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2 Neurons=nerve cells Quiz on Wed.!
Sends and receives messages from other structures of the body, such as muscles and glands

3 Parts of neurons: Dendrites- branch out from cell body
Thin fibers that receive information from other neurons and pass the message through the cell body Cell body – produces energy that fuels the activity of the cell Axon- carries messages away – varies in length

4 Myelin- white fatty substance that insulates and protects the axon – helps speed transmission of the message Axon terminals- end of axon, smaller fibers branching out Synapse- junction between the axon terminals of one neuron to the dendrites of another neuron

5 How messages travel through a neuron:
Travel in only one direction Messages received by dendrites, travel through cell body and the axon to axon terminals, they cross the synapse to the dendrites of another neuron

6 Neurotransmitters- chemicals that are stored in sacs in the axon terminals
Involved in everything we do Too much or too little results in disorders Dopamine- involved primarily in motor behavior- deficiency plays a role in Parkinson’s disease – excess results in schizophrenia

7 NEURON pg. 54

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