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Nervous System In Class Notes.

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1 Nervous System In Class Notes

2 Function & Divisions: Functions: Divisions (2)
Control/coordinate body movements Process information/sensory stimulus Store memories Divisions (2) CNS (Central Nervous System) Brain & Spinal Cord Processes all information PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) All other nervous tissue Transmits signals/messages

3 Brain: Parts & Functions
Brainstem = filters info Controls vital functions (breathing, heart rate) Cerebrum=2 hemispheres (right & left) Control of movement Thalamus= filters all stimulus Cerebellum= transfers stimulus to motor neurons (muscles) Involved in memories & balance Hypothalamus = maintains homeostasis

4 Parts of the Brain:

5 Lobes of the Brain & Functions:
Frontal = speech & movement Parietal = speech, reading, touch & taste Occipital = vision Temporal = hearing & smell

6 The Neuron:

7 Function of the Neuron:
In order for a neuron (nerve cell) to fire it requires a stimulus All or nothing…NOT like a dimmer on a light Stimulus starts at dendrite Signal moves down axon Reaches the knob Must cross the synaptic cleft

8 From one neuron to the next:
In order to cross a synaptic cleft it must use a chemical signal neurotransmitter

9 Reflex Arc: Uses 3 Parts: Provides protection
Sensory receptor (neuron) Receives stimulus Spinal Cord Recognizes stimulus Motor receptor (muscle) Contracts muscle to cause movement Provides protection Examples: heat, cold, pain

10 Reflex Arc:

11 Examples of Sensory Receptors:
Mechanoreceptors - touch, pressure, stretching, motion Photoreceptors - light Thermoreceptors - heat Pain receptors – pain Chemoreceptors - chemicals

12 Drugs: 2 Types: Stimulants: increase CNS Activity
Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine Depressants: decrease CNS Activity Morphine, Vicodin, Opiates

13 Illnesses: Alzheimers Tourette Syndrome Lou Gehrigs Huntingtons
Muscular Dystrophy ADD Etc.

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