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What Affects Your Health???

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Presentation on theme: "What Affects Your Health???"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Affects Your Health???

2 Heredity All the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents -Having an active family -A family who chooses to eat a healthy diet -Conditions and diseases that run in your family

3 Environment The sum of your surroundings
-Do you feel you are in a safe neighborhood and school? -The air and water quality of our surroundings -Availability of parks, Recreational opportunities, libraries and colleges -Accessibility to medical care

4 Social Environment All of the people around you (Family and Friends)

5 Culture The collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
-Does not always mean our ethnic back ground -Any group we are a part of can be a culture *Athletics *Groups

6 Attitude The way you view situations can have a big effect on your health.

7 Behavior We have total control over our own behaviors.
We can choose to avoid high-risk behaviors

8 Media and Technology Various methods for communicating information

9 Risk Behaviors Actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others

10 Cumulative Risks Risks that increase in effect with each added risk.
-Eating at fast food restaurants once and a while is ok, but every day for every meal will increase your risk of disease

11 Prevention Taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse -Regular doctor and dentist check ups

12 Abstinence Deliberate decisions to avoid high risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs

13 Decision Making Process
1. State the situation 2. List the Options 3.Weigh the possible outcomes 4.Consider values 5. Make a decisions and Act on it 6. Evaluate the decision

14 Goal Those things you aim for that take planning and work

15 Short Term Goal You can reach these goals in a short period of time

16 Long Term Goal You plan to reach these goals over an extended period of time

17 SMART Goal Method Specific Measurable Adjustable/Attainable Realistic
Time Bound

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