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Federalists vs. Republicans

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1 Federalists vs. Republicans
John Adams and the Federalists were in power after President Washington’s term. Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic –Republicans formed an opposition party because they were upset with the Alien & Sedition Acts and a “Quasi-War” with France. What was Thomas Jefferson’s party? Which party did farmers and Southerners generally support? Why did Jefferson form an opposition party? 1) Democratic Republicans. 2) Democratic Republicans 3) Because Jefferson was upset about the Quasi War with France.


3 This is an embedded Youtube video of War of 1812 attack ads
This is an embedded Youtube video of War of 1812 attack ads. It can also be viewed here:

4 Jefferson defeats Adams
Democratic- Republicans take power 1st peaceful transition of parties The election of 1800 was sometimes called the “Second American Revolution” because the transfer of power from one group to another was so important. It showed that the government truly was working that had been set up. There were many who thought that Adams might not give up the White House despite being defeated.

5 1st President inaugurated in DC
Outlines his essential principles of a more limited government “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” Jeffersonian Democracy refers to Thomas Jefferson’s view of an agrarian America made up of small farmers and a small government that was unobtrusive to their lives.

6 Lets the Alien & Sedition Acts expire
Cuts all internal taxes Uses tariffs and sales of Western land to reduce the National Debt The Alien and Sedition acts were hated by many and helped lead to Adams’ defeat. They were passed during the tense times with France and sent some to jail for what should be considered free speech.

7 Barbary pirates from North Africa attack US ships & demand tributes
Jefferson sent the USS Constitution & orders a blockade The pirates sign a treaty which ends all tribute payments The Barbary Wars were one of the earliest conflicts with the US. Since the US was so young, the Barbary states felt confident that the US would continue paying bribes to pass through waters in the Mediterranean. Jefferson’s refusal to pay the bribes any longer was one of the first examples of America standing up for itself on the national stage.

8 Issue goes to the Supreme Court
Jefferson had James Madison refuse to give a commission to one of John Adams’ “midnight judges” Issue goes to the Supreme Court Establishes the concept of “Judicial Review” The Court may decide if a law is constitutional or not The Marbury V. Madison case is one of the most important in Supreme Court History. The establishment of Judicial Review would become one of the most important powers of the Court.

9 Owned by France (at war with England)
New Orleans controls the entire Mississippi River Haitian Revolution makes the territory less valuable to France The vast territory to America’s west was sparsely populated outside of French trading posts and Native American groups. The power of New Orleans was very important though as it was at the mouth of the Mississippi River. With water travel being the most important transportation route, all of the Midwest relied on New Orleans port to gain access to markets and goods.

10 Jefferson is not sure if it’s Constitutional
Uses his treaty-making power $15 million to double the size of the US Ratified by the Senate in 1803 Jefferson originally only wanted the port of New Orleans for the US, however, when they discovered that France was willing to part with all of its territory it was too good a deal to pass up. Jefferson was a “strict constructionist” and only thought he had the powers assigned to him by the Constitution. However, this deal was almost too good to be true and Jefferson thought it was better to get it done and worry about the how later.

11 Lewis & Clark hired to explore & find Northwest Passage
Sacajawea brought on as guide Reach Pacific in Nov. 1805 Open the way to settlement & claim on Oregon Territory

12 France & England’s war traps US in the middle
US ships & sailors harassed by both Act blocks trade against both countries Only hurts US merchants

13 Jefferson’s hand-picked successor James Madison becomes the next President
Jefferson renews friendship with friend and political rival, John Adams Both die on July 4, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Jefferson’s Democratic Republicans gained strength to the north, marginalizing Federalists as an opposition party. Splits soon came about among Republicans, however, with strict constructionist "Old Republicans" against "National Republicans" who favored a more positive and activist (according to critics, Hamiltonian) conception of federal power. Quarrels among Jeffersonian-Republicans foreshadowed the division between Jacksonian Democrats, self-proclaimed legatees of Jeffersonian orthodoxy, and Whigs who promoted a neo-Federalist, National Republican policy agenda while warning against "King Andrew's" dangerous consolidation of authority.

14 How many modern day states did the Corps of Discovery pass through?
1) 11 2) Open to student guesses. 3) They followed rivers and through mountain passes for the best route west. How many modern day states did the Corps of Discovery pass through? 2. About how many miles do you think their expedition was? 3. Why do you think their trip was not a simple straight line to the west?

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