33 - Boots to Business (B2B)

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1 33 - Boots to Business (B2B)
Small Business Administration Entrepreneurship Track

2 OBJECTIVES LEARN about the Small Business Administration
DISCUSS the B2B training programs DISPLAY how B2B has aided VETS

3 Small Business Administration
Manages most federal small business programs Created July 30th 1953 SBA has at least one office in each state Development of a small businesses and franchises through their “3 Cs” Capitol Contracts Counseling

4 Small Business Administration
Veteran Business Outreach Center(VBOC) Provides instructors for the SBA’s Boots to Business Program

5 Two-Step Training Program
Introduction to Entrepreneurship Two-Day Course A two-day course offered as on of the three Transition GPS elective tracks Foundations of Entrepreneurship 8 week, instructor-led online course on the elements of a business plan Tips and techniques for starting a business

6 Boots to Business | Reboot
Designed for VETS and their dependants post transition from service and includes: Steps for evaluating business concepts Foundational knowledge for developing a business plan SBA resources available to access start-up capital and tech assistance


8 Resources

9 Summary and Review LEARNED about the Small Business Administration
DISCUSSED the B2B training programs DISPLAYED the benefits of B2B

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