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Two Cousins By Pureum.

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1 Two Cousins By Pureum

2 In 3017, there lived two cousins
In 3017, there lived two cousins. A cousin lived in the Earth where only rich people lived. The boy was so smart that he could live alone without his parents. He had everything: he had enough money and a nice house to live in. The world scientists had invented a lot of things, and he had many robots to work for him. However, he had no friends to play with. So he was determined to visit his second cousin’s house that was on Mars.

3 He prepared for the visit
He prepared for the visit. Next day, the boy put together a bottle of water, some food to eat, and a small knife, because the journey to second cousin’s house was his first time traveling, and it was dangerous considering some unknown animals which could have toxic liquid. Also, a boy took some nice shoes which he had had bought a day before. He climbed some red hills, and he crossed a river with swimming worms. Finally he got to second cousin’s home.

4 Second cousin happily let first cousin to come in
Second cousin happily let first cousin to come in. Then, first cousin started to look through second cousin’s house for something to play with. He tried hard to find something. But he couldn't. Because in Mars, all what they did was building a castle. First cousin helped second cousin with building the castle.

5 In Mars, there weren’t many living things to eat
In Mars, there weren’t many living things to eat. So they had all their meal from one-flavored tube. After building an enormous castle, they had lunch from tubes. The tube lunch didn’t taste good, however it had all nutrients needed. Even though, it was 3017, there were still no robots in Mars. So they cleaned every single thing they needed to be cleaned. So first cousin came back to earth being very tired.

6 One day, first cousin invited his cousin to his home
One day, first cousin invited his cousin to his home. Cousin from Mars, he was poor, so first cousin went to Mars again to bring him back. On the road to, cousin from Mars almost lost his ears, because it was his first time to ride spaceship, and it sounded like train coming. He was also amazed at the flying cars which in his eyes, seemed to be flying castles. When he got to first cousin’s house. First cousin came out and welcomed, “Welcome to my home. Here is some food for you.” There were many candies and chocolates which cousin from Mars had never seen. Cousin from Mars tasted them and he loved them. Because he had been eating only from tubes with all same taste, there was no taste like ‘Sweet’. ” After eating all, cousin from Mars looked for something to work on. But in the Earth, there weren’t such a thing as ‘working’. Robots did everything for them.

7 When he woke up next day, cousin from Mars had a serious stomachache
When he woke up next day, cousin from Mars had a serious stomachache. The day before, he ate a lot of sweet things, so his stomach surprised and couldn't digest the food. Consequently, second cousin decided to go back to his home planet and have some rest.

8 The cousins didn't have very nice time together, but they were glad to meet each other. Now, they thought, “Next time, I will prepare not what I want but what other people want!”

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