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2/18/15 CO: Explain how the Fourteen Points demonstrated President Wilson’s foreign policy principles.

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1 2/18/15 CO: Explain how the Fourteen Points demonstrated President Wilson’s foreign policy principles.

2 U.S. effort in WWI When Russia withdrew the war, the Germans were able to move many of their troops from the eastern front to the stalemate in the West. American economy was mobilized to win the war. From planting extra vegetables to keeping the furnace turned off, American civilians provided extra food and fuel to the war effort. The United States government engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to raise troops and money. Where dissent was apparent, it was stifled, prompting many to question whether American civil liberties were in jeopardy. In the end, the war was won, but the peace was lost. The Treaty of Versailles as presented by President Wilson was rejected by the Senate. Two dangerous decades of political isolationism followed, only to end in an ever more cataclysmic war. The seemingly infinite supply of fresh American soldiers countered this potential advantage and was demoralizing to the Germans. American soldiers entered the bloody trenches and by November 1918, the war was over. Contributions to the war effort were not confined to the battlefield. The entire

3 U.S. Conscription When the U.S. entered the War, only 200,000 soldiers made up the Army. Selective Service Act drafted over 4.5 million by the end of the war. All men between 21 and 30 required to register for military service.

Began arriving in France in June 1917, under the command of GENERAL JOHN PERSHING he retained independent American control over the U.S. troops. Elevated the Allied morale , while devastating the German will.

5 Doughboys A German offensive came within fifty miles of Paris, and American soldiers played a critical role in turning the tide at CHATEAU-THIERRY and BELLEAU WOOD. In September 1918, efforts were concentrated on dislodging German troops from the MEUSE RIVER. Finding success, the Allies chased the Germans into the trench-laden ARGONNE FOREST, where America suffered heavy casualties.

6 Armistice On November 11, 1918, the German government agreed to an armistice, or cease-fire. The war was over. Over 14 million soldiers and civilians died in the so-called GREAT WAR, including 112,000 Americans.

7 What role did the United States have in the terms of peace?

8 Wilsonian Foreign Policy
Use Wilson’s Fourteen Points to connect each of the 14 points to the goals. Prove the connection by citing evidence from the document. Wilsonian Foreign Policy Spreading Democracy Open Markets International Organization to Keep Peace Active global role for the United States

9 “Fourteen Points” 1. According to Wilson, why did the U.S. enter the war? 2. According to Wilson, what will be the role of the U.S. after the war?

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