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Analysis of Sports Performance

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1 Analysis of Sports Performance
Performance Profile

2 Learning Outcomes Be able to describe the performance profile of a selected sporting activity (pass) Be able to explain the performance profile of a selected sporting activity (merit) Be able to analyse the performance profile of a selected sporting activity (distinction)

3 Sporting activity Different sports have different requirements
Athlete and the coach should both be aware of the specific physical and psychological demands needed in order to achieve success Can you think of an example? A striker will need different physical and mental skills from a goalkeeper

4 Compare and contrast them both..
Striker Goalkeeper

5 Specific Position Different sports and different positions make different demands on athletes Go back to the goalkeeper example, they need to concentrate for long periods without being directly or physically involved in action What about your sport/position? Compare with a partner

6 Performance profiling (PP)
Should take into account the individual and specific demands of both the sport, and the position within that sport PP and analysis can be used to document, assess and predict the ability of a goalkeeper to meet the demands of performance, covering various aspects of physical capacity, psychological factors, technical skill and tactical awareness

7 Continued.. What do you think these may include?
Physical tests of speed, strength, power and flexibility, core stability and endurance Psychological assessment of personality, anxiety and confidence Biomechanical analysis of movement technique Notational analysis of performance

8 Research shows.. A goalkeeper spends 86% of a match walking or standing still 14% performing high intensity activities Equates to approximately 12 minutes pressure on the goalkeeper during a 90 minute match

9 Task

10 Specific Action Many sports require the analysis of a specific action
Complex actions – such as what? Tennis serve Broken down into smaller stages Clear analysis can then be made


12 Method Whole-part-whole method of analysis
Possible to investigate certain key parts of the technique Whole skill can be analysed and practised More complex elements are learned and practised specifically and separately in order to make up the whole skill How would you break down the tennis serve?



15 Changing Styles Changing styles

16 Thorburn’s Master Thorburn's Monster Kick

17 Key areas of performance
The 5 key areas of performance are? Physical Physiological Psychological Technical and Tactical Biomechanical

18 P1 You must think of the KPI’s for your sport involving: Physical
Technical and Tactical Psychological Create a PP and rate their importance level out of 10 Fill in the PP with this information State what sport and position its for

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