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Cholesterol and you Safe supplementation

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1 Cholesterol and you Safe supplementation
The purpose of this short presentation is to get awareness of some of the safe supplements that can be taken in place of statins.

2 Did You Know? Statins stop all cholesterol production and hinders your bodys production of CoQ10. If you are taking statins please supplement with at least 200mg of a absorbable CoQ10 This is a reason why people have muscle aches and weaknesses while taking statins. Without ever studying up on this I would have never known about it. It is also good information to give to clients.

3 Omega 3 usage daily Most organizations recommend a minimum of mg combined EPA and DHA each day for healthy adults. If you are not a fish eater then this is the recommended dosage for you to take for fish oil or Omega 3 fatty acids. There are an abundance of products out there now so choose wisely. I tend to go for ones that don’t leave so much of a fishy after taste when you belch. They are out there.

4 Eat more fish Very self explanatory. If you like fish, eat it and you really don’t need the supplements .Supplements are supposed to be used if your body is lacking it. I don’t like fish therefore I use a supplement. If I was a big fish eater I would not spend my money on it because my body would be getting the benefits from it naturally.

5 Nearly 1 in 3 American adults have high cholesterol
Our diet and lifestyle have everything to do with these numbers. But 1. It is treatable by a medical professional 2. It requires a medical diagnosis 3. Lab tests are always required 4. It can be chronic and last years or a lifetime There are really no symptoms for high cholesterol and this affects adults most frequently over 30.

6 Treatment includes medications, healthy supplements and diet and exercise
With these combinations, it makes it a lot easier to combat high cholesterol

7 Foods to stay away from Unfortunately a lot of foods that everyone likes are bad for you. Fried foods, sugary snacks are all foods that make your numbers less than ideal. Sometimes it is not possible to refrain from everything, but at least try to limit your intake of these.

8 Supplementation of fish oil can help improve your cholesterol numbers along with diet and exercise
Numbers have shown fish oil to help with bad cholesterol numbers but never just by itself. If you eat fried foods and sugary snacks everyday and take fish oil, your numbers won’t get better. Safe and smart and only having those in moderation along with a good diet and exercise is the key.

9 References Hjalmarsdottir, F. (2017, June 3). How much omega 3 should you take per day? Retrieved February 26, 2018 from Sinatra ,S. (n.d.) CoQ10 facts: What you need to know. Retrieved February 26 ,2018, from

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