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Published byClaire Dean Modified over 6 years ago
INTRODUCTION The Department conducts monthly monitoring and reporting against the Operational Plans as well as quarterly monitoring, evaluation and reporting against the quarterly targets as committed to in the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan. Presentation on the Department’s Performance for the period 01 April to 30 June 2016 focuses on: Significant Achievements Quarter 1 performance against each 2016/17 Target as identified in the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan; Status of progress per quarter 1 target (Achieved, Delayed or No/Minimal Progress) Reasons for delays or no/minimal progress; Measures to Improve Performance Financial performance as at 30 June 2016 Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
With regards to the development of the RSA position for WTSA, a draft RSA Position concept note was developed and consulted with the National Preparatory Working Group which was established, comprising of a number of ICT experts related to ICT standards. Following the development of the draft National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper, the Department commenced with the process of the identification and prioritisation of legislative amendments. In terms of SOC Rationalisation, an Assessment Report on the rationalisation of both BBI and SENTECH was developed. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
The Department has developed an ICT SMME Environmental Scoping Report towards the development of the ICT SMME Strategy, in line with ICT B-BBEE Sector Code Despite initial delays, the Department is in the process of conducting a Climate and Culture survey aimed at improving the overall internal climate and broader organisational performance of the Department as a whole. The Department has commenced with the review of the Organisational Structure. Together with the DPSA, a draft Service Delivery Model has been developed which will inform the development of an Organisational Structure that is fully aligned to the mandate of the DTPS. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Administration (1) 2016/17 TARGET: Organisational structure revised and implemented in line with strategy Q1 TARGET: Needs assessment conducted with branches Achieved Needs assessments conducted with all relevant Branches within DTPS Project Plan developed and presented to Top Management and DEC. Organisational structure process tabled at DBC. Q1 TARGET: Service Delivery Model aligned with the 2016/17 APP Delayed Work Sessions held with nominated officials from all branches to discuss the Service Delivery Model. Consultations held with relevant branches to discuss the research function as part of finalising inputs on the Service delivery model. Branch meetings kick-started on the Service Delivery Model quality assured by DPSA. Reasons: Unavailability of all branches resulted in the delay. Work in progress: The draft Service Delivery Model has been developed and aligned to the 2016/17 APP Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Administration (2) 2016/17 TARGET: Climate and culture survey conducted and Action Plan developed Q1 TARGET: Climate and culture survey conducted Delayed Project deliverable clarified with management and service level agreements signed with project plans. Focus group sessions and individual interviews with all DDGs conducted. Design Team/Change Agents appointed and design Team meeting held. Meetings with project team held to analyse themes and dimensions outlined on the Terms of References. Reasons: Project delayed by late signing of contract. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Administration (3) 2016/17 TARGET: Core business processes identified, documented, optimized and mapped so as to enable process automation Q1 TARGET: Business requirements and Terms of Reference developed Achieved Business requirement and Terms of Reference developed using Business Impact Analysis Report. 2016/17 TARGET: Enterprise Document Management and workflow system designed and developed Q1 TARGET: User requirements solicited and Terms of Reference developed Achieved User requirements solicited and Terms of Reference developed using BIA report. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
International Affairs (1)
2016/17 TARGET: RSA position for UPU developed towards regulations of ETOEs, promoting postal services as a driver for socio-economic inclusion Q1 TARGET: RSA position paper for International Postal programme developed and submitted for approval Delayed Document prepared on UPU CA and PoC outcomes discussed at National Preparatory meeting with stakeholders. Position paper developed. Also discussed position for SADC Ministerial, and prepared position and report on outcomes. Reason: The Position paper was not submitted for approval as planned. Work in progress: The position paper was subsequently approved and will proceed to Cluster. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
International Affairs (2)
2016/17 TARGET: RSA position for WTSA developed to promote access to technology, manufacturing, conformance and interoperability for ICT SMME development Q1 TARGET: Draft RSA position concept note developed and consulted with national and international stakeholders Achieved Draft RSA Position concept note developed and consulted with National Preparatory Working Group which was established, comprising a number of ICT experts interested in ICT standards. A briefing document was developed and presented to the NPWG for WTSA. Key issues were identified and Working Groupswere established. Memo prepared for participation in Telecom World WRC - presentation made to WRC National preparatory Working Group on priorities for South Africa for WRC-19. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
International Affairs (3)
2016/17 TARGET: RSA position for SADC ICT Ministerial meeting promoting access to affordable ICT infrastructure, services and regional integration Q1 TARGET:RSA position paper for SADC ICT Ministerial meeting developed and internally approved Delayed 1st Stakeholder engagement meeting on SADC Programme (home and Away Roaming and Regional Broadband) was held on the 19th of May 2016. Department held two meetings with ICASA on Home and Away Roaming. A Draft matrix on status and SA Position has been developed. Reason: RSA position paper for SADC ICT Ministerial meeting was developed and not internally approved Work in progress: The SA position and the matrix are still undergoing consultation 2016/17 TARGET: RSA position for BRICS developed focusing on skills development, R&D for innovation, and internet governance programmes Q1 TARGET: Draft RSA POA for implementation of BRICS ICT Agenda, developed Achieved Draft RSA POA outlining priority areas of cooperation was tabled and submitted to the Minister and BRICS IMC. Developed a Briefing Memo for the BRICS IMC for the Minister. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
International Affairs (4)
2016/17 TARGET: Country Position for International Internet Public Policy developed Q1 TARGET: Draft RSA position concept note on International Internet Public Policy developed and consultations with national and international Achieved Concept document developed and Cabinet approval obtained for hosting of African IGF and SA position issues. Further, Cabinet also approved for SA to operationalise Digital Object Architecture which is an alternative internet system. Cabinet also endorsed SA’s application to be Multi-Primary Administrator for DOA. 2016/17 TARGET: 1 South African placement in an identified Global ICT Governance Institution to influence the system of global governance Q1 TARGET: Placement of official approved internally Achieved Memo submitted and approved on placement of official at Geneva mission to deal with ITU and UPU issues. Letter sent to DIRCO with candidate and profile. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
International Affairs (5)
2016/17 TARGET: 1 seat in Global ICT Governance Institution maintained Q1 TARGET: Draft Strategy for elections in Global ICT Governance Institution developed Achieved Draft election Strategy developed. Approved Cab Memo on SADC position wrt Postal sector elections, meeting held with Japan wrt request for support for elections. Engagements held with DIRCO on international election priorities to include UPU Council of Administration. In addition, Ministerial letter to DIRCO Minister for support on elections, and to UPU DG to declare candidature was prepared Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
FIRST QUARTER PERFORMANCE Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Policy, Research and Capacity Development (1)
2016/17 TARGET: Draft ICT Legislation developed Q1 TARGET: Identification and prioritisation of legislative amendments commenced Achieved Identification and prioritisation of legislative amendments commenced through the development of the ICT Policy Roadmap 2016/17 TARGET: Postal Services Amendment Bill developed Q1 TARGET: Analysis report developed Achieved Analysis report was developed as planed 2016/17 TARGET: South African Post Office Amendment Bill developed Q1 TARGET: Analysis report developed Achieved Analysis report was developed as planned 2016/17 TARGET: ICT SMME Strategy developed in line with ICT B-BBEE Sector Code Q1 TARGET: Environmental scoping report produced on ICT SMME Strategy Achieved The SMME Environmental Scoping Report has been developed. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Policy, Research and Capacity Development (2)
2016/17 TARGET: 3 year e-Service programme developed Q1 TARGET: e-Government inter-departmental committee established Delayed The national e-strategy discussion paper was developed and consulted with relevant National Government departments. e-Government strategy was also consulted with DPSA through a bilateral meeting. Reason: There was a need to align the stakeholder engagement and structure to that of the National e-Strategy development process. Work in progress: The e-Government inter-departmental committee is now aligned to that of the National e-Strategy stakeholder engagement process. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Policy, Research and Capacity Development (3)
2016/17 TARGET: National e-Strategy developed Q1 TARGET: Provincial consultation on National e-Strategy discussion paper conducted Delayed The National e-Strategy Task Team has been re-instituted to deal with both the National e-Strategy and e-Government matters. The 1st National e-Strategy Task Team Meeting was convened on the 04th May 2016. The ICT Expert has been appointed to assist with the development of the National e-Strategy. The National e-Strategy discussion document has been developed. The e-Strategy Inter-Branch Task Team workshops were held. A consultative meeting between the DTPS and DPSA took place on the 29th of June 2016. Reason: Provincial consultation were not conducted as planned due to a change in work focus. Work in progress: The Provincial consultative process is scheduled to take place in July and August 2016. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
FIRST QUARTER PERFORMANCE Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
ICT Enterprise Development and SOE Oversight
2016/17 TARGET: SOC Rationalisation assessment conducted and consolidated report developed (BBI,SITA, SENTECH and SAPO) Q1 TARGET: Assessment Report on rationalisation of 2 identified SOCs developed Achieved Assessment on rationalisation of both BBI and SENTECH conducted. Rationalisation reports developed 2016/17 TARGET: Performance and compliance of SOC against strategic plans and relevant prescripts monitored and evaluated Q1 TARGET: Consolidated State of SOCs report for 2015/16 Quarter 4 developed and submitted Achieved State of SOCs report for 2015/16 Quarter 4 was developed and submitted. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
ICT Infrastructure Support
2016/17 TARGET: Project manage the roll-out of the Broadband connectivity Implementation Plan Phase 1 towards connecting 2700 sites Q1 TARGET: Broadband Connectivity Implementation Plan finalised No Progress Reason: No progress due to pending tender process finalisation. Work in progress: The Department through SITA went out on tender with a closing date of 08 August 2016 to appoint a service provider for broadband connectivity. Q1 TARGET: Connectivity to 675 identified site’s project managed and monitored No Progress Reason: No progress due to pending tender process finalisation. Work in progress:The Department through SITA went out on tender with a closing date of 08 August 2016 to appoint a service provider for broadband connectivity. 2016/17 TARGET: National Radio Frequency Plan NRFP reviewed and updated taking into consideration the outcomes of WRC-15 & national policies Q1 TARGET: WRC-15 Outcomes report developed and issued to ICASA Achieved The report on the outcome of the WRC-15 has been developed and approved for submission to ICASA Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Measures to Improve Performance
Over and above project specific challenges that are being addressed within the respective project teams, the Department has implemented various measures to ensure improvement in its overall performance: Weekly Monitoring against Operational Plan Action Steps Monthly Monitoring against Operational Plan deliverables Performance Reporting as a standard agenda item on Management meetings Climate and Culture Survey Review of the Organisational Structure Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
PERIOD: 01 APRIL TO 30 JUNE 2016 Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Appropriation Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Appropriation Included in goods and services is an amount of R336 million earmarked for SA Connect, Which translates to operational goods and services of R158.6 million for the Department. Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Expenditure PROGRAMME BUDGET R'000 BUDGET % PROJECTED BUDGET TO JUNE R'000 EXPEN-DITURE R'000 VARIANCE R'000 AVAILABLE TO YEAR END R'000 % SPENT Administration 8% 48 407 52 126 (3 719) 27% ICT International Affairs 44 710 2% 5 119 4 071 1 048 40 639 9% ICT Policy Research and Capacity Dev 95 618 4% 23 660 17 797 5 863 77 821 19% ICT Enterprise Develop and SOE Oversight 37% 58 816 74% ICT Infrastructure Support 49% 6 865 0.6% Total 100% 31% Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development A global leader in the development and use of Information and Communication Technologies for socio-economic development
Expenditure per Economic Classification
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Expenditure per Economic Classification
Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
Expenditure per Economic Classification
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Transfers and Subsidies
Appropriation Actual Transfer Available to Year End % Spent Foreign governments and international organisations 23 363 - 0% National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa 77 200 Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa 69 045 Universal Service and Access Fund 55 156 South African Post Office: Broadcasting Digital Migration Universal Service and Access Fund: Broadcasting Digital Migration TOTALS Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
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