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1. What were the backgrounds of the Religious Reformation historically

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1 1. What were the backgrounds of the Religious Reformation historically
1.What were the backgrounds of the Religious Reformation historically? A. nationalist sentiment against papal taxation and church officials’ control reduced the powers of the church; B. John Wycliffe’s attack on papal act, moral & intellectual standards of the priests; his Bible/sermon in English; C. greed, immorality & ignorance of papal officials put papacy to blame; D. humanist idea of Bible, not church as the source of religious authority.

2 Wycliffe’s writings later inspired Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation.

3 Gutenberg Bible The Gutenberg Bible is the first book known to have been created with movable metal type. It was printed by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, between 1450 and The advent of movable type increased the efficiency of printing and the number of books that could be produced. More books and a more literate population, in turn, enhanced the spread of ideas throughout Europe, fueling the 16th-century Protestant Reformation in Germany.

4 Martin Luther German theologian and religious reformer Martin Luther precipitated the Protestant Reformation with his publication in 1517 of his Ninety-Five Theses, which detailed the indulgences and excesses of the Roman Catholic church. Luther felt that the essence of Christianity lay not in an elaborate organization headed by the pope, but in each person’s direct communication with God. Luther’s protest set off a flood of departures from the Roman Catholic church and set the stage for further Protestant movements, including Calvinism and Presbyterianism.

5 John Calvin John Calvin established a new religion with strict codes of belief and behavior. Calvin taught the virtues of faith above good works and advanced the theory of universal priesthood, in which all Christians could practice their religion without the daily guidance of priests. Calvin also established the idea of the “Elect,” a preordained group of people whom God chooses for Salvation. Many European princes and citizens embraced Calvinism, and his ideas spread to other countries and sparked other major Protestant religions.

6 John Knox In contrast to Calvin’s focus on the bourgeoisie, however, Knox preached the idea of the “Elect” to the peasant masses of 16th-century Scotland. Later called Presbyterianism, this Protestant religion became a symbol of Scottish nationalism in the struggle against Catholic monarchs.

7 Henry VIII by Hans Holbein Hans Holbein’s famous portrait of Henry VIII shows the Tudor king as the quintessential Renaissance sovereign. Henry prided himself on his education and his patronage of humanist scholars such as Sir Thomas More, but his increasingly despotic behavior left a more enduring image. He is most famous for founding the Church of England and for having six wives, two of whom he had beheaded.

8 2. What were the main results of the Religious Reformation. A
2.What were the main results of the Religious Reformation? A. power & wealth lost by the feudal nobility/the Roman Catholic church passed to the middle classes and to monarchical rulers; B. various regions gained political, religious, cultural independence; C. individualism/nationalism in culture & politics developed; D. protestant value judgment brought about democratic governments;

9 E. medieval system of authority was destroyed; F
E. medieval system of authority was destroyed; F. removal of religious restriction on trade/banking stimulated capitalism; G. national languages/literature were advanced due to religious literature in native languages of the people; H. popular education was stimulated through new schools by protestants; I. religion became an expression of people’s beliefs more than a special right of the clergy of the church;

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