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By: Teryn Ramsey :) LifeScience 2

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1 By: Teryn Ramsey :) LifeScience 2
Appleshroom By: Teryn Ramsey :) LifeScience 2

2 Red Delicious Apples sweet red crunchy many phytonutrients
have several antioxidants that have health promotions Scientific name: Malus Domestica

3 Edible Mushrooms health benefits powerful source of nutrients
have attributes that are more commonly found in meats, grains, or beans have lots of calcium and Vitamin D i would take the calcium from the mushroom and put it in the strawberry

4 Why I am mixing them………. I chose to mix the apple and the mushroom because red delicious apples don’t have any calcium in them and mushrooms have to ton. Also, a lot of people that are lactoseintolerantie, like me, who don’t get a lot of calcium, would get it from the mushroom gene. They need their calcium to get strong bones.

5 More reasons….. Many people like red delicious apples and can eat the apples to get the calcium they need and the red delicious apples would partially substitute the calcium from the milk.

6 What Vitamin D does to fruits...
turns the skin of the fruit lighter when i would put the gene into the red delicious apple, the skin would turn a little lighter tint of red would change the taste of the red delicious apple and make it a little less sweet

7 Disadvantages…………….. will change the color of the red delicious apple
might change the shape of the apple as well would taste more tart

8 Resources www.nutrition-and-you /apple-fruit.html www.

9 Thanks For Watching!!!!!!! Questions Anyone ???????

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