Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line

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1 Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line
Olweus Class Meeting 05/21/14 Grades 6 and 7 Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line

2 Essential Question “When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line to cyberbullying, and what can you do about it?

3 A few questions about cyberbullying…
“What are some of the ways that you and your friends tease each other online for fun?” “When does teasing “cross the line” and become harmful? What are some signs, and what does it feel like to be in that situation?”

4 Cyberbullying Vocabulary
Harassing (v.): bombarding someone with messages over digital media, or repeated contact when it is least expected. Deceiving (v.): using fake names, posing as someone else, or creating a fake profile about someone else. Flaming (v.): saying mean things, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate. Hate speech (n.): a verbal attach targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

5 To Talk or Not to Talk… WHY would someone not want to talk to other people about a cyberbullying situation? What would the roadblocks be? Why? No matter what “label” you put on a situation (ex./ we were only joking), if it makes you feel uncomfortable, upset, or hurt, you should talk to someone about it.

6 Video Time…. Click the link below to watch “Stacey’s Story – When Rumors Escalate” (2:57 running time) After video is over, please get into groups of 4 or 5 and discuss the Stacey’s Story video discussion questions.

7 Case Study # 1 – “Attacked from all Sides”
In your group, please read Case Study # 1 – “Attacked from all Sides” and answer the questions with the other members of your group. Discuss your groups responses with the rest of the class.

8 Case Study # 2 – “Election Sabotage”
In your group, please read Case Study # 2 – “Election Sabotage” and answer the questions with the other members of your group. Discuss your groups responses with the rest of the class.

9 Wrap it Up! What does it feel like when a teasing situation “crosses the line” from harmless to harmful? What are some different forms of cyberbullying? What advice would you give to someone who feels cyberbullied?

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