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Musculoskeletal System - Muscles

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1 Musculoskeletal System - Muscles
Types Micro-anatomy Excitation Excitation-Contraction Coupling Contraction Properties of Whole Muscles Red vs. White Meat

2 Muscle Tissue Types All muscle cells contract and relax. 3 types:
Skeletal Connected to bones Ex) biceps Striated Smooth Tapered Ex) stomach “involuntary” Cardiac Only present in the heart Have specialized junctions to propagate contraction.

3 Micro-Anatomy Muscle fiber = single muscle cell
Muscle = many muscle fibers stuck together Tendons = link muscles to bones

4 Micro-Anatomy Myofibril Sarcomere = smallest unit of contraction
Bundle of filaments within a muscle fiber Give the cell a striated appearance. One unit of these repeating fiber striations is called a sarcomere. Sarcomere = smallest unit of contraction

5 Micro- Anatomy - Sarcomere
Z-line: dark zig-zag band marks the end of a sarcomere Actin (thin filaments): looks like two stranded pearls other proteins cover its grooves Myosin (thick filaments) bundled each has a long tail and a double head all pull on actin in the same direction

6 Micro- Anatomy Tropomyosin Troponin
A protein that covers myosin binding sites on actin. When on, a muscle cannot contract. Troponin regulatory protein bound to tropomyosin When calcium binds to it, it pulls tropomyosin off the actin filaments

7 Micro-Anatomy T-tubules Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
extensions of the cell membrane that move into the cell and surround each myofibril Sarcoplasmic Reticulum A membrane like the ER that stores Calcium and surrounds each myofibril

8 Excitation of a Muscle Fiber
Motor neurons synapse on muscle fibers and “tell” them when to contract. The muscle fiber membrane depolarizes and the action potential spreads over the muscle fiber and into the T-tubules

9 Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Depolarization of T-tubule causes SR to release Calcium

10 Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Ca+2 binds to troponin Troponin moves tropomyosin out of the way. Note: When nervous signal stops, the SR takes up the Ca+2 (uses ATP) When Ca+2 is gone, troponin/tropomyosin complex covers the binding sites again.

11 Contraction Called the sliding filament model
A cross-bridge forms when a myosin head attached to a binding site on actin. Cyclic Powered by ATP energy ATP split causes myosin to bind to actin. Energy release causes power stroke – myosin bends. Pulls actin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere. New ATP causes myosin to detach. Cycle begins again, a bit closer to the z-line. A single contraction is many power strokes. No ATP = rigor mortis

12 Contraction (Again)

13 Sequence of Events Between a Motor Neuron Action Potential & Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

14 Properties of Whole Muscles
Muscle tension mechanical force the muscle exerts on an object opposed by weight or gravity 3 scenarios: Isometric no sarcomere shortening muscle tension = load ex) holding a book out Isotonic sarcomere shortening; lifting a load muscle tension > load ex) lifting the book Lengthening sarcomere lengthens while holding a load muscle tension < load ex) putting down the book Isotonic Lengthening

15 Properties of Whole Muscles

16 Properties of Whole Muscles
Motor unit: A neuron + all the muscle cells it controls Muscle twitch Electrical stimulus of a motor unit All-or-nothing The greater the force on an object, the more muscle units that are recruited.

17 Properties of Whole Muscles
Treppe Constant stimulation causes muscle to “warm up” and strength of contraction increases. Due to increasing free Ca+2 Temporal Summation: Stimulus is added before complete relaxation of a motor unit. Additional influx of Ca+2 Tetany: Stimulus so common that contractions fuse into continuous contraction. Most common in movements of the body

18 Red vs. White Meat Red muscle White muscle Slow-twitch
Slow to engage but long lasting High blood flow, mitochondria, and myoglobin = high ATP Good for distance sports White muscle Fast-twitch Rapid and powerful Not sustainable Low mitochondria and myoglobin Good for sprinter

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