InTeGrate Module: Exploring Geoscience Methods

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1 InTeGrate Module: Exploring Geoscience Methods
Jim Ebert, SUNY Oneonta Scott Linneman, Western Washington University Jeff Thomas, Central Connecticut State University

2 How do the Methods of Geoscience differ from the “classical” scientific method?
Reasons from Effect to Cause rather than Cause to Effect (Product to Process rather than Process to Product) Time is an important consideration May use experiments Experimentation is impractical Temporal Scale Spatial Scale

3 Methods of Geoscience Uses systems thinking
Comparison of ancient features (products) to modern processes Study multiple examples from different places and ages to deduce underlying processes Study change over time (detection of patterns) (Modified from Kastens and Rivet 2008; Manduca and Kastens 2012)

4 Methods of Geoscience Use multiple, converging lines of evidence,
Test hypotheses through prediction and additional observation Comparison of observations of the real world to predictions made by models (physical and digital). Models are commonly used to simulate processes that occur on enormous scales and over vast expanses of time. (Modified from Kastens and Rivet 2008; Manduca and Kastens 2012)

5 The Module




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