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English Colonization of North America

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1 English Colonization of North America
Name the reasons The English settled in America.

2 Review - What are Push-Pull Factors?
Land scarcity Religious or Political Persecution Revolution Poverty Weather Pull Freedom (religious and political) New life Jobs Land Resources

3 Reasons for Colonization
Financial $$$ Religion Expand the British Empire Start a new life

4 First Unsuccessful English Colony
Roanoke Island in 1587 The “Lost Colony” What Happened to the Colony? Slaughtered by Natives Absorbed by the Natives Weather ??

5 First Successful English Colony
Jamestown 1607 Reason for Colony was financial $$ Joint Stock Company Africans introduced in 1619 Hardships of Jamestown Too many gentlemen No gold Starvation – “Starving Time”

6 Major Contributions of Jamestown
Cash Crop ---Tobacco - John Rolfe Introduction of Indentured Servants Indentured Servants: Poor Europeans that wanted to come to the colonies, but couldn’t afford to come. Passage was paid by colonial land owners in return for manual labor. A contract was generally 3 – 5 years.


8 Colony at Plymouth The Pilgrims – Separatists (from Catholic Church and Church of England) Reason for Colony was Religion Hardships were Weather and Starvation Major Contribution is the Mayflower Compact – the first form of American democracy. Self-Government and Majority Rule


10 French and Indian War Dates: 1754 – 1763
Started between the British and the French over colonial land disputes and the two growing colonies. Both sides allied with Native Americans and relied heavily on their help to fight. The war ended in British victory with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in Britain gained a large portion of French land in North America.

11 Stamp and Quartering Acts
Britain passed these taxes on the new world for various reasons. Was the start of the Intolerable Acts. Quartering Act – Forced people to provide housing for British soldiers in their homes. Stamp Act – Required Americans to pay a tax on every piece of paper they used.

12 Boston Massacre Started due to growing tensions between American people and British soldiers. A mob of Americans formed to protest British laws and a riot was started. A group of British soldiers, trying to disperse the riot, opened fire into the crowd killing 3 people.

13 Boston Tea Party The Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party. In 1771, a group of colonists protest thirteen years of increasing British oppression, by attacking merchant ships in Boston Harbor.

14 American Revolution Fighting started in 1775 between American Rebels and British Soldiers. The British Started off strong but the war ended with American victory in 1783.

15 Declaration of Independence - 1776
A document used by the American colonies to declare their independence from the British Empire. Explained the colonies reasons for leaving and declared the new nation the United States of America.

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