Comment Resolution Plan

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1 Comment Resolution Plan
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Comment Resolution Plan Date: Authors: Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

2 January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Abstract A plan to accelerate comment resolution and complete the standard within a reasonable time frame Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

3 Current situation Decent progress on comment resolution
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Current situation Decent progress on comment resolution About 300 comments per meeting! General goodwill CID 288 is the only “vitriolic” comment CID 1772 is a compliment from the WFA Chair! Available implementations PLM & HWMP: open80211s SAE & AbbrHS: sourceforge Most contentious issue remains security Progress may not be enough to maintain level of interest Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

4 Projected timeline The first LB resolution lasted more than a year
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Projected timeline 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Draft D0.x Draft D1.x Draft D2.x Approval Informal comments Letter Ballot Sponsor Ballot Sponsor Ballot Letter Ballot Letter Ballot Letter Ballot RevCom The first LB resolution lasted more than a year The second LB received numerous value-add comments Recirculations are expected Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

5 Has anything changed since we started?
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Has anything changed since we started? Large-scale, public access usage scenarios aren’t as prevalent as small-scale, “consumer electronics” usage scenarios The market focus has changed since 2006 We realize there is a hierarchy of mesh nodes (those collocated with an AP, the portals, the lightweight versions etc.) The only meaningful usage distinctions we can make are Home, small-office = not centrally managed Enterprise, campus = centrally managed and Support for AP/simple STA association “Pure” mesh link creation (no “association”) We must limit the scope of TGs Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

6 M M M M M M M M M M M January 2009 ISP 2. 3. STA STA 1. January 2009
doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Limited mesh (peer-to-peer security) World ISP Corporate network World Advanced mesh 2. Home gateway Corporate gateway 3. M M M Plain old BSS Home mesh M Corporate mesh M M Can of worms STA M STA Simple corporate mesh 1. M M Peer-to-peer “island” This MSTA could be the same device! (with some vendor specific add-ons to join a corporate mesh) M M Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

7 What we can do Address outstanding contentious problems
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 What we can do Address outstanding contentious problems We probably cannot afford to develop “new” solutions Address high-level objections from the Working Group Terminology is now more in line with the base standard Accelerate comment resolution Stick to a manageable plan If progress is not forthcoming, consider removal of feature Focus on simplification, not addition Prioritize meeting agenda “[It seems that] perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away” Terre des hommes  Antoine de Saint Exupéry Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

8 Target timeline Produce a “consensus” draft in March 2009
January 2009 doc.: IEEE /0053r0 January 2009 Target timeline 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Draft D0.x Draft D1.x Draft D2.x RevCom Sponsor Ballot Informal comments Sponsor Ballot Letter Ballot Letter Ballot Letter Ballot Approval Produce a “consensus” draft in March 2009 Expect limited adjustments thereafter Push for full comment resolution by end of 2009 Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

9 Questions? January 2009 January 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0053r0
Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.) Guenael Strutt, Motorola (et al.)

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