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Will the United States live to 1,000? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Will the United States live to 1,000? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Will the United States live to 1,000? Why?
Start Up *ASSIGNMENT* Previously, you learned that the Byzantine Empire lasted for nearly 1,000 years. Will the United States live to 1,000? Why? Be sure to include in your answer any similarities between the Byzantine Empire and the U.S.-

2 Review Byzantine Empire 476 A.D. Roman Empire Splits
West=Holy Roman Empire East=Byzantine Empire Byzantium-Constantinople-Istanbul Constantinople- Center of trade- “Toll Booth” “Greek Fire”

3 Byzantine Accomplishments

4 Art and Architecture

5 Blending of Cultures The Byzantines borrowed from Ancient Greek, Roman, and Christian influences with other traditions of the Mediterranean world. What’s this called???

6 Hippodrome

7 Accomplishments Justinian Code Justinian ruled from 527-565
He wants to restore glory of Rome Revises the laws of Ancient Rome “Body of Civil Law” or Justinian Code Rules with Absolute Power- Autocrat- Sole Ruler with complete authority

8 Assignment- 1054 BYZANTINE CHRISTIANITY What’s the big deal?
What is the dispute? What is the result? WRITE A PARAGRAPH DESCRIBING THE SCHISM

Christianity was influential in the Byzantine Empire as it was in Western Europe. Differences East + West 1. Byzantines have a Patriarch- Reject Pope’s claim over Christians

10 3. Byzantine chief holiday was Easter- In West was Christmas.
2. Unlike priests in Western Europe, Byzantine clergy kept right to marry. 3. Byzantine chief holiday was Easter- In West was Christmas. WHAT’S A SCHISM?

11 A Schism is a split in a church
During the Middle Ages there is a schism in the Christian church over the use of ICONS, or holy images. In the 700’s Byzantine emperor banned icons- saying it violated God’s commandments.

12 RESULT In 1054 further controversies provoked a schism.
The pope and patriarch excommunicated eachother- WEST- Roman Catholic EAST- Greek Orthodox




16 THEODORA’S BRAVERY Assignment- Read Theodora’s Bravery.
Answer the following- Why do you think the emperor and his court paid attention to her? What effect did Theodora’s courage have on others? What was the result of the decision they made?

17 CRISIS AND COLLAPSE By the time of the schism, the Byzantines were declining. REMEMBER THE CRUSADES? (Yes you do) Seljuk Turks advancing across Asia Minor. 1453- Constantinople Falls >


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