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Volcanism in the Solar System

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanism in the Solar System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanism in the Solar System

2 Types of Volcanoes Cinder-cone: small, steep
Shield cone: round base, gently sloping Composite: Large, explosive.

3 Mercury Abundance of surface crators No craters that 50 km in diameter
Evidence of lava filled craters Volcanic rock samples predate earth


5 Venus 80% of the surface shows volcanic activity
No currently active volcanoes Many volcanoes are hundreds of kilometres across and thousands of m high.


7 Largest are shield type
No plate tectonics

8 Sapas Mons 400 km across 1.5 km tall Very long flows

9 Maat Mons

10 Pancake Domes Single flows, steep sides

11 Similar dome on earth

12 Earth I’ll get to that in great detail at a later date.

13 The moon Mare plains Lava flows

14 Channels

15 Mars Almost volcanically extinct Probably all shield-cone type
At least 3 volcanoes that are larger than is found on earth. Has the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons

16 Olympus Mons 640 x 840 km 21 km tall

17 Lava flows


19 IO, a moon of Jupiter The most volcanically active world in the solar system. At least 8 active volcanoes have been mapped. Sulfur plumes can extend over 280 km above IO’s surface. About the same size as the moon and the same distance from Jupiter as the moon is from the earth.




23 Ganymede volcanoes

24 Europa Volcanoes

25 Triton Ice volcanoes

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