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The working memory model

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1 The working memory model
(Baddeley & Hitch, 1974)

2 Socrative quiz

3 The working memory model (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974)
Central Executive Phonological Loop Visuo-spatial Sketchpad Articulatory Control Phonological Store Vision Location

4 The working memory model (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974)
How many windows does your house or flat have? What process did you have to go through to answer that question? How would we explain that process using the WM model?

5 Which WM components are used when...
1. Remembering a new telephone number... 2. Following spoken directions... 3. Calculating how much the bill will be... 4. Remembering the unfamiliar foreign name.

6 The working memory model (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974)
CE, PL and VSS each have their own processing resources. Therefore, WM can be used to ‘multi-task’. BUT ONLY IF (1) tasks use different components AND (2) the capacity of WM is not exceeded.

7 Will there be a processing conflict?
Siobhan is trying to learn a poem for her English exam. She is listening to orchestral music while she does so. Cara is also trying to learn the poem, for the same exam. Cara is listening to rap while she does so. Mairead is playing Tetris on her phone when her younger sister asks her the answer to the sum A while later her sister comes back and asks her the answer to 48 x 23.

8 Compare... Remember: Differences AND similarities.
Make the comparison, then support with facts about each.

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