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America Secedes from Empire

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1 America Secedes from Empire

2 2nd Continental Congress
May 1775 Philadelphia All 13 represented Raise money Recognized the colonial militia as the Continental Army George Washington as commander

3 Bunker Hill British Deadliest battle of the war 3,000
June 17, 1775 British 3,000 Frontal attack up hill Americans 1,500 men Ran out of gunpowder Deadliest battle of the war 1,000 British casualties colonists casualties

4 Cont. Many still hoping for peace
Sent an Olive Branch Petition to king King George III - rejected petition Passed proclamation saying colonists were in rebellion Urged parliament to order naval blockade Hired Hessians

5 Canada Invasion of Canada 14th Colony 2,000 American troops
Montgomery Benedict Arnold 14th Colony 2,000 American troops Offensive Warfare

6 Common Sense John Locke Thomas Paine Republicanism
People have right to life, liberty, and property Social Contract Thomas Paine Common Sense --- pamphlet Attacked King George Create a better society --- free from tyranny 500,000 copies Republicanism Popular consent Collective good of the people

7 Jefferson 1776 Congress urged each colony to form its own government
“United Colonies” Richard Henry Lee Prepared Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” “Unalienable Rights” “All Men are Created Equal” July 2, Colonies were free July 4, Adopted the Declaration of Independence

8 Declaration of Independence
Imposing taxes Trial by jury Military dictatorship Standing armies Mercenaries “World’s greatest editorial” “Shout heard round the world” Inspiration to countless revolutionary movements

9 Opposition Loyalists / Tories Patriots / Whigs Opposed independence
Loyal King George III Judges, Governors Patriots / Whigs Supporters of independence Political and economic opportunity Militia = agents of Revolutionary ideas

10 Cont. Patrick Henry Loyalists = Anglican Church strongest
“Give me Liberty, or give me Death” Loyalists = Anglican Church strongest New York, Charleston, Pennsylvania, New Jersey Patriots = Presbyterianism / Congregationalism New England


12 Battle of Long Island July 1776 British focus on N.Y.
500 ships 35,000 men Outnumbered, outmaneuvered Washington retreats – regroups Recrossed Delaware River December 26, 1776 Surprise attack

13 Saratoga John Burgoyne --- British Commander
Lead army down from Canada to Albany Planned to meet up with British troops as they arrived from New York General Howe – Advance up Hudson River St. Lawrence River = Lake Champlain transportation

14 Cont. Patriots rallied to attack Burgoyne Benedict Arnold Flotilla
Washington Valley Forge Train soldiers Baron Von Steuben Surround Burgoyne Militiamen Surrender on October 17, 1777

15 Cont. Surrender at Saratoga Most important event of the war
France now believed that the Patriots could win the war Signed alliance in 1778 Ben Franklin

16 Allies Colonies France, Spain, Holland Fleets now outnumbered Britain
World War Too big for G.B. handle

17 Cont. African Americans
Some fought with Loyalists --- promised freedom 5,000 served in Continental army Native Americans Tuscaroras, Oneidas sided with colonists Most supported the British “Hair buyers”

18 Yorktown Capture Charles Town, South Carolina
British move South Capture Charles Town, South Carolina Cornwallis --- British General Moved to Virginia --- Yorktown Chesapeake Bay Supplies French defeat the British fleet Blocked entrance to the Chesapeake Bay Admiral de Grasse French and American troops surround the British Month later on October 19, Cornwallis surrendered

19 Peace at Paris John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin
Peace talks began in Paris 1782 John Adams, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin September 1783 Signed the Treaty of Paris Confirmed U.S. Independence Set boundaries of New Nation Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River Canada to Florida

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