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The Great Gatsby soundtrack

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1 The Great Gatsby soundtrack
Assignment and Rubric

2 Assignment The Great Gatsby Soundtrack Project
Due Thursday, March 21st For this project, you (and your group mates) will design a soundtrack for a hypothetical movie version of the novel, using a combination of existing songs and your own creations. You will also design a cover for your soundtrack. The project will be housed in a CD case and must include the following:

3 Assignment (cont) Pick 10 existing songs (one for each chapter and one overall theme song) that you feel should be included on a soundtrack for The Great Gatsby. Turn in typed, annotated copies of the lyrics of five of the songs. Design the front cover illustration for your album. Include a back cover, which will have the track listing. Write a brief (3-5 sentences) explanation for each of the songs you have included. During what scene might this song be playing? Why would this song be appropriate? Write a brief (3-5 sentences) explanation for your cover design. What images have you included? Why are these images significant? Include an MLA formatted citations page for the ten existing songs you chose. MLA format for a song: Artist. “Song Title.” By Author. Album Title. Place of recording, year. For example: Beatles, The. “I am the Walrus.” By John Lennon. Magical Mystery Tour. London, 1967.

4 Rubric 30 total points *Lyrics (5 points): Lyrics included?
*Content (10 points): Did you tie the lyrics into specific parts of the novel? Are there connections made to the novel? Specific scenes where the song would play and why? *Format (5 points): Are MLA citations included? Does the format look like the examples given (two songs per page, chapter explanations on one page)? *Cover Art (5 points): Is it creative? Explanation for the cover art included? *Grammar (5 points): Do you have major, distracting grammar errors?

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