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Presentation on theme: "ANAEMIA IN PREGNANCY AHMED ABDULWAHAB."— Presentation transcript:


2 It is the commonest medical disorder of pregnancy.
Physiological changes. Plasma volume increase by 50%. Red cell mass increase by 25%. Fall in Hb concentration and haematocrit due to haemodilution. MCV increase secondary to erythropoiesis.

3 Cont, MCHC remain stable. Serum iron and ferritin decrease because of utilization . Total iron binding capacity increases TIBC Iron requirement increases total of 1000mg in whole pregnancy. Moderate increase in iron absorption . Folate requirement increases

4 DEFINTION.. WHO recommended that Hb concentration should fall below 11gm/dl in pregnancy to diagnose anemia. Incidence 30-50% pregnant women are having anemia at pregnancy. 90% have iron deficiency anemia . 5% folate deficiency .

5 CLINICAL FEATURE. Often asymptomatic. Diagnosed in routine screening . Other ,tiredness, dizziness ,fainting , pallor may be apparent

6 SCREENING . Routine screened by Hb concentration at the beginning of pregnancy . It is cheep and simple.. It does not reveal the cause .

It is microcytic hypochromic . Reduced MCV . MCHC. Etiology . Increase demand in pregnancy due to expanding red cell mass, fetal requirement .If iron stores are depleted because of menstruation , recurrent pregnancy ,poor intake , anemia develops rapidly

8 CONSEQUENCES . Preterm labor. Infection Medical intervention during labor . Post partum blood loss. ? IUGR.

9 TREATMENT. Oral iron is effective when there is time . Hb increase 0.8 g/dl per week Ferrous salt is better absorbed than the ferric form . Side effect depends on the amount of the of the elemental iron . Choice depends on cost and patient tolerance .

10 Cont. Vitamin –C helps absorption . Main side effect are gastro intestinal , gastric upset and constipation . Indication for parenteral thereby . Lack of compliance , severe GIT side effect, mal absorption Intera muscular iron sorbitol

11 Cont. Deep im it is painful cause discoloration of the skin . High level may be excreted before utilization . IV IRON . Iron saccharate cause more rapid rise in Hb and has fewer side effect. Compared

12 Cont To oral iron but more invasive , need admission to hospital , it is true alternative to blood transfusion. Blood transfusion , Most rapid way to increase the Hb . Used when there is no time to correct anemia . Risks include allergy and transmission of infection

13 Cont. Prevention is possible with good balanced diet . Identification and treatment of iron deficiency prior to pregnancy are optimal . Routine iron supplementation in pregnancy improve in hematological indices.


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