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Blackout Poetry Create your Masterpiece.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackout Poetry Create your Masterpiece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackout Poetry Create your Masterpiece

2 What is Blackout Poetry?
Creating or extending meaning out of what already exists Using a page from a book, the newspaper, or any other piece of writing and creating meaning out of it by blacking out a page and only leaving words with meaning.

3 How to: Find a piece of writing you like
Use your close reading skills to find what the author is saying. This goes beyond just the words that they use Determine what is most important in what is being said. Find the BUZZ words or words that stand out to you. Let these guide your poem Make a message out of what the author said by blacking out words that don’t fit. If nothing is sticking out to you try another piece of writing. Make sure to not confuse your reader. Your poem will be read left to right, top to bottom. If you don’t follow this make sure to indicate the order with lines

4 Pointers: Don’t leave more than 3 or 4 words together in a row. This is your work not the original writers Don’t be afraid of making a mistake Break up a word if you don’t need the whole word. IE you only need an ‘a’ or you only need the word ‘able’ out of breakable. Have fun with this and make it your own

5 Be creative and have fun
This is your work of art. Make sure you like what you are making. You can make it artistic with doodles. Even if you aren’t artistic a simple change in how you are blacking out can be all the difference in the message your poem expresses.

6 Examples


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