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Lesson Four: Building Custom Patient Lists

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1 Lesson Four: Building Custom Patient Lists
In this lesson you will learn: How to Build a Custom Patient List Patient Lists

2 Building Custom Patient Lists
When a Custom list is used, patient entries are not generated automatically. You must manually enter the patients you want on the list. A custom list will display only to the person that created it. In Custom Lists, you can add or remove patients as needed. Custom List Patient Lists

3 Building Custom Patient Lists
To begin building a Patient List, open the Modify Patients Lists dialog box by selecting List Maintenance from the Patient List Menu OR by clicking the List Maintenance icon from the Patient List menu. The Modify Patient Lists window will open. Click New to indicate that you want to create a new list. Patient Lists

4 Building Custom Patient Lists
To create a Custom List, select Custom in the Patient List Type window. Click Next. Patient Lists

5 Building Custom Patient Lists
If applicable, Choose the applicable filtering options that you want included for your Patient List by choosing the Filtering Categories on the left and then marking the applicable Filtering Options on the right. It is important to remember that if you choose any filtering options, the patients that you add to your Custom List must meet the criteria or they will not be displayed on the Patient List. Note: It is not a requirement to add filters to your Custom Patient List. Patient Lists

6 Building Custom Patient Lists
The system will not automatically generate a name for your Custom Patient List. You must enter a name into the name field. Click Finish. Move the list to the Active Lists box by clicking on the new Patient List in the Available Lists box and clicking the right arrow. Click Finish to save changes and return to the Patient List. Patient Lists

7 Building Custom Patient Lists
**Remember: Custom Patient Lists do not automatically populate with patients. You must manually add or delete patients to the list for it to be populated. Patient Lists

8 When you are ready to continue your training, click the icon above.
End of Lesson Four When you are ready to continue your training, click the icon above. Patient Lists

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