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Humane Vitae and Contraception

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1 Humane Vitae and Contraception

2 Humane Vitae Promulgated by Pope Paul VI July 1968
Instruct Catholics on Sexual ethics, especially contraception issues Contraception historically condemned by the Church

3 Context Popular disagreement with Church recently developed
Changes in popular opinion due to population explosions, new scientific and sociological views 1962, Pope John XXIII appointed Papal Commission to look into issue of contraception 1966, Papal commission submitted report to Pope Paul VI

4 On the Regulation of Life
Begins by reiterating married couples collaborate with God to transmit life Developments (population, women’s role, technology, etc…) raise new questions Questions about sex and its role A big part of the 1960s was the Sexual Revolution which included sex without commitment

5 The Church’s Authority to Teach on this Matter
New questions are moral issues Church has done deep reflection Look to human reason, enlightened by Revelation

6 Nature of Married Life and Parenthood
Vocation of marriage is a total commitment of love Love of marriage is “faithful and exclusive” Fecund (Fertile) function Ordered towards parenthood

7 Inseparable connection between Union and Procreation
Must respect natural law Fecundity is unitive and procreative Birth control, sterilization, and abortion are excluded under the lawful means of regulating number of children

8 Natural Family Planning
Not opposed to natural methods of family planning Utilizing natural rhythms and cycles is permissible Humans meant to work with God and nature, and not against them

9 The Call of Youth in the Church

10 Children’s Responsibilities towards Their Parents
Respect and be thankful to parents Be obedient to parents Love one’s brothers and sisters Ephesians 6:1-4 Care for parents in old age

11 Pope John Paul II Vision for young people
Travelled to over 100 countries Launched World Youth Days Message of World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto

12 Vocations From Latin vocatus
God calls all people, at all times in our lives Calls us to know Him better Some called to Ordained ministry Others to Lay ministry (Laity) All Christians called to evangelize, sanctify, and transform


14 Vocations Office Each diocese has an office of Vocations
Headed by Vocations Director Fr. Chris Lemieux (Toronto)


16 Parenthood Society begins with the family
Healthy families = healthy society Church beings at home Duties of the parent towards their children

17 Catechism #2222, 2378 "Parents must regard their children ad Children of God and respect them as human persons...A child is not something owed to one, but is a gift. The 'supreme gift of marriage' is a human person. A child may not be considered property"

18 Adopting and Fostering
Not always possible for children to live with parents Fostering – looking after someone else’s child for a period of time Adoption – Taking on full legal parental rights and responsibilities

19 In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Medical procedure for infertile couples Woman’s ovaries stimulated to produce multiple eggs which are then fertilized with embryos In some cases, sperm and/or ovaries donated by third party Surrogate mother – third party carries and gives birth to the baby

20 Why Does the Church Oppose IVF
Life begins at conception Disregarding of fertilized embryos is depriving life Separates procreation and unitive functions of sex Also removes exclusivity of the married couple Encourages idea of one having a “right” to children

21 What is the Church for Difficult for infertile couples
Not opposed to using science, as long as teleological ends of sexuality and dignity of life respected For using science to over come fertility

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