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Contraception: Why Not?

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Presentation on theme: "Contraception: Why Not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraception: Why Not?

2 Introduction All churches opposed contraception until 1930
Lambeth Conference Casti Connubii (On Christian Marriage) Statistics

3 Society’s Hopes for the Pill
It would address overpopulation. People would no longer have to plunge into marriage if they’re desperate for sex, resulting in better and happier marriages. It would decrease unwanted pregnancies. It would decrease the number of abortions

4 The Catholic Church’s Response: Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI
Paul VI’s predictions if contraception becomes widespread (Section 17 of HV): There would be a great general lowering of morality in society. General disregard for the physical and psychological well-being of females by males. Governments would use family planning programs for coercive and control purposes once contraception became widely available. We would begin to treat our bodies as though they were machines/objects.

5 Effects of Contraception
Divorce and Contraception: study by Dr. Robert Michael (Univ. of Stanford) As contraception became more and more available, divorces became more and more popular. Three observations: Those who have babies sooner in marriage have a longer lasting marriage than those who do not. Since contraception became more widely available, there is much more pre-marital sex. By having fewer children and men and women are capable of being financially independent, when couples face difficulties in marriage, it’s much easier to divorce.

6 Damages of Contraception to Marriage
“Sex” becomes a quick and temporary fix to essential problems that should be discussed by couples. Cohabitation is more common. Increase in promiscuous behaviors, which leads to a greater chance of unwanted pregnancy. Increased in abortion Sexual lifestyle outside of marriage is now possible.

7 Contraception: Why Not?
Contraception refuses to allow God to perform his creative act in the arena of the sexual act. The Pill and the Barrier Methods and their side effects. How does the pill work? Barrier methods Contraception prevents bonding

8 Other Contraceptive Methods and Treatments
Tubalization Vasectomy

9 Natural Family Planning (NFP) versus Contraception
Responsible parenthood Natural Family Planning Is it the “Rhythm Method?”

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