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Perception is a multistage process that takes place in the BRAIN

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Presentation on theme: "Perception is a multistage process that takes place in the BRAIN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Perception is a multistage process that takes place in the BRAIN
It includes: a. Selection b. Processing c. Organization & d. Integration of INFORMATION received from the SENSES


3 Sight/seeing Sound/hearing Touch/Tactile Taste Smell Kinesthetic body awareness

4 Sensory or sensation is…
The neural activity triggered by some STIMULUS that activates a sensory receptor and results in sensory nerve impulses traveling the sensory nerve pathways to the brain.

5 Kinesthetic Receptors
Location Perceives What? * Proprioceptors Joint Capsule & Ligaments Direction, Rate, Extent of Joint Movement, Steady Position, Stationary Joint Position *Vestibular Apparatus (cat like awareness) Inner Ear Rotation, Acceleration & Deceleration, Linear Movements, Body Position Relative to Gravity Muscle Spindles Muscles Degree of Tension Golgi Tendon Muscle-tendon Junctions Change in Tension Cutaneous Receptors Skin & Underlying Tissue Touch, Temperature, Pain

6 Kinesthetic Perception
Body Awareness – Perception of our Body Laterality Perception that you have two sides to your body Sidedness Age 2 L/R Age 6 – Lateral Dominance should be clearly established by age 9 or a grave concern (LD & SLD) Directionality Perception of Direction L, R, U, D, F, B Perception that objects have direction; I.E., (B vs. D) - (b vs d) (p vs d or q vs b)

7 Kinesthetic Perception cont.
Spatial Orientation – is knowing where our body is in space or in relationship to other objects Which sports demand extremely keen spatial awareness?

8 Kinesthetic Perception cont.
Tactile Localization Multiple Tactile Points Limb Movements

9 Visual Perception Figure Ground Perception – where’s Waldo
Spatial Orientation - letters Depth Perception – critical to motor skills, catching, driving, target sports Size Constancy – constant size when distance varies Perception of Movement – critical to motor skills - knowing something is moving Whole Objects vs Parts – games in newspaper

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