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Presentation on theme: "THIS & THAT BEING A CNA THE LAW RULES & REGS SAY WHAT? 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 THIS & THAT BEING A CNA THE LAW RULES & REGS SAY WHAT? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Normal daily activities

3 What are ADLs

4 Relate to beliefs, practices and attitudes

5 What is culture?

6 1800 in military time

7 What is 6 PM?

8 Storage area of a residents room that they must have free access to

9 What is the closet or chest of drawers?

10 2200 in military time

11 What is 10 PM?

12 Doing your job well, being on time, and working as a team

13 What are examples of good work ethic?

14 Answering call lights promptly, telling the resident what you are doing

15 What are ways you can meet safety and security needs?

16 To prevent complications that can result in loss of function

17 What is the major focus of rehabilitation?

18 Food, water, shelter, and getting to the bathroom

19 What are examples of physiologic needs?

20 The resident is able to be up as they desire

21 What does the term “ad lib” mean?

22 Keeping the resident in a room they cannot get out of by themselves as a form of punishment

23 What is involuntary seclusion?

24 Harming a resident intentionally

25 What is physical abuse?

26 Facility consequences of not following residents rights

27 What is loss of Medicare payments?

28 Giving another person authority to complete an assigned task

29 What is delegation?

30 Performing a resident task without the resident’s permission

31 What is battery?

32 The federal law that regulates nursing home care and nurse aide training

33 What is OBRA?

34 Agency that protects workers from on the job injury

35 What is OSHA?

36 State program that provides health care for low income persons

37 What is Medicaid?

38 Federal program that provides health care coverage for disabled and retired persons

39 What is Medicare?

40 Harm occurred because of what you did or did not do but the act was not intentional

41 What is neglect?

42 Using “I” statements instead of “you” statements

43 What is a good strategy to use when you approach a conflict situation?

44 Requires a response of more than just “yes” or “no”

45 What is an open-ended question?

46 Making up your own mind about what health care you want to receive

47 What is an example of residents rights ? or What is informed consent?

48 Gossiping about others

49 What could be an example of defamation?

50 Writing about a resident you cared for on your face book page

51 What is breach of privacy or failure to follow privacy laws?

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