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March 3rd 2018 Science - Period B By: Mackenna Gorman

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1 March 3rd 2018 Science - Period B By: Mackenna Gorman
Colon Cancer March 3rd 2018 Science - Period B By: Mackenna Gorman

2 Colon Cancer Colon cancer is when tumorous growths grow in the large intestine. The once normal cells divide rapidly and become harmful to the tissue and surrounding tissues.

3 Main causes of colon cancer
The main causes of colon cancer are Genes, Habits, Diet, Traits, Tobacco and inside of the intestine called pulps turn cancerous Diseases associated with colon cancer - diabetes - crones disease

4 What cells and tissue does colon cancer affect?
Colon cancer affects the colon and large intestine. Both are part of the digestive system, preventing the system from functioning properly.

5 What kind of tests do they use to diagnose colon cancer?
- Stool DNA Testing - CT Colonography - Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

6 Signs and symptoms of colon cancer
Main symptoms are Diarrhea Constipation, Bloating, Gas, Abdominal pain, Weakness, Tiredness, Weight loss and IBS (irritable bowl syndrome)

7 Long Term Effects of Colon Cancer
If left untreated colon cancer like any cancer spreads to other tissues and organs of the body causing the host to die. You will become very weak and frail because the digestive system isn't working right. 

8 Colon Cancer Prevention
-Keep a healthy weight -Keep a healthy diet -Exercise -Eat veggies, fruits and grains -Reduce red meat and fat intake -Don’t smoke -Limit drinking

9 Colon Cancer Treatments
Surgery Remove the cancerous part of the colon and sew it back together again  Chemotherapy Use different medications and drugs to kill the cancer  Side effects include: hair loss, nausea, tiredness and vomiting Radiation Therapy  Using radiation to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing and dividing  Side effects include: hair loss, appetite loss, weight loss, sun burn on skin

10 It is the 3rd most common type of cancer in the USA
Fun facts  Most doctors and people overlook signs of Colon Cancer because it has no distinguishable signs like other cancers. 

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