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Unit 5 Week 3 A Historic Journey.

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1 Unit 5 Week 3 A Historic Journey

2 instill Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is instill. Say it with me: instill. To instill means “to put ideas or teachings into someone’s mind.” When you instill ideas, you encourage or try to convince someone to do or see things your way. 2. En español, to instill quiere decir “meter ideas o enseñanzas en la mente de alguien, inculcar.” Cuando inculcas ideas en alguien, animas o tratas de convencer a una persona de que haga o vea las cosas de tu manera. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word instill. See how this artist is painting a beautiful picture. She wants to instill in her viewers a love and appreciation of nature. PARTNER TALK 4. Turn to your partner and talk about why this picture demonstrates the word instill. Share your answers with the class. (The artist is painting to share her ideas with people. The artist wants people to like nature.) 5. Work with your partner to use the word instill in a sentence. Use the sentence frame: A painting of __________ can instill a feeling of happiness in me. 6. Now let’s say instill together three more times: instill, instill, instill. instill

3 combined Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is combined. Say it with me: combined. Combined means “mixed together.” When colors are combined, they make new colors. If you combined red and white, you would make pink. 2. En español, to combine quiere decir “mezclar, combinar.” Cuando dos colores son combinados, crean un nuevo color. Si combinas los colores rojo y blanco, haces el color rosa o rosado. 3. To combine in English and combinar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word combined. The chef who made this salad combined lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, cucumbers, carrots, and spinach all together in a bowl. 5. Let’s all show what the chef did when she combined the ingredients for the salad. First she put lettuce in the bowl. Then she added tomatoes. Next she put in cheese, carrots, cucumbers, and spinach. She mixed them all up, and then picked up some of the salad with salad tongs. 6. Think of something you helped to cook. Show us how you combined the ingredients. Name the ingredients you combined. We’ll guess what you made. 7. Now let’s say combined together three more times: combined, combined, combined. combined

4 naturalist Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word in the selection is naturalist. Say it with me: naturalist. A naturalist is someone who studies plants and animals. A naturalist tries to understand how animals and plants live and grow. 2. En español, naturalist quiere decir “una persona que estudia las plantas y los animales, naturalista.” El naturalista trata de averiguar cómo viven y crecen los animales y las plantas. 3. Naturalist in English and naturalista in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word naturalist. (Point to the boy in the photo.) This boy is a naturalist. See how he uses a magnifying glass to study small insects and plants. He wants to learn all about the insects and plants. When he grows up, he may go to college and study to be a professional naturalist. 5. Let’s all show what the boy does as a naturalist. Let’s walk quietly through the grass and sit down in one spot. Let’s use our magnifying glasses to study the plants and insects. Let’s write down some of the things we observed. 6. Think of another place a naturalist might work. Tell us where the naturalist is. Show us what the naturalist does. We’ll pretend to be naturalists with you. 7. Now let’s say naturalist together three more times: naturalist, naturalist, naturalist. naturalist

5 vacant Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is vacant. Say it with me: vacant. Vacant means “empty, or not in use.” When a place is vacant, no one is there. 2. En español, vacant quiere decir “vacío, que no está siendo usado, libre.” Si una habitación está vacía, no hay nadie en ella. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word vacant. (Point to the chair in the photo.) Look at the empty chair. There’s no one sitting in it. The chair is vacant. Look, there aren’t any people on the beach or in the water. The beach and the water are vacant, too. There’s no one around! PARTNER TALK 4. Chairs can be vacant. A beach can be vacant. What are some other things that can be vacant? Work with your partner to make a list of things or places that can be vacant. Share your list with the class. 5. With your partner, draw a picture to illustrate the word vacant. Show your picture to another pair and have them guess what vacant thing or place your picture illustrates. 6. Now let’s say vacant together three more times: vacant, vacant, vacant. vacant

6 diverse Key Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image.  1. Another word in the selection is diverse. Say it with me: diverse. Diverse means “made up of many different kinds of things.” When a group of people is diverse, there are men and women from different countries, cultures, and religions in the group. 2. En español, diverse quiere decir “compuesto por muchas cosas diferentes, diverso.” Cuando un grupo de personas es diverso, hay mujeres y hombres de diferentes países, culturas y religiones en el grupo. 3. Diverse in English and diverso in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word diverse. (Point to the photo.) This photo shows a very diverse group of people. There are men and women. There are people of different ages as well as different cultures. There are people of different sizes, too. This group is diverse in many ways. 5. How is our class diverse? Talk with your partner about differences in our class. Share your ideas with the class. 6. What are some things that make our school diverse? With your partner, make a list of at least five differences that make our school diverse. Share your list with another pair. 7. Now let’s say diverse together three more times: diverse, diverse, diverse. diverse

7 to spot Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use to spot to describe things that we see suddenly. Say it with me: to spot. To spot means “to notice or see in a particular place.” If the park is crowded it might be hard to see people, but you could still spot your friend’s bright yellow jacket. 2. En español, to spot quiere decir “ver o notar algo.” Si el parque está lleno de gente, podría serte difícil reconocer a alguien en particular, pero aun así podrías notar el abrigo amarillo de tu amigo. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase to spot. This boy is birdwatching with his family. They’ve been looking for one special bird for several minutes without any luck. He adjusts his binoculars and suddenly he spots the bird in a tree. He’s so happy to spot the bird. He points so his family can spot it, too. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Let’s pretend we are bird watching. When I tell you that I see a bird, hold up your binoculars and say “I spot it!” I’m looking in the bushes and suddenly I see a robin. I hear a tapping noise and look up in the tree. I look carefully along the branches. There’s a woodpecker! I look high in the sky and I see an eagle soaring overhead. 5. Imagine that you are walking along the beach. What could you spot? (Call on a few students to answer. Examples include: a sea gull, a dolphin, a surfer, a boat) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: to spot, to spot, to spot. to spot

8 as far as the eye could reach
Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use as far as the eye could reach to describe things we see that are very far away. Say it with me: as far as the eye could reach. As far as the eye could reach means “to see a point far away or in the distance.” You might look at an airplane go across the sky as far as your eye can reach. 2. En español, as far as the eye could reach quiere decir “lo más lejano que puedes ver a simple vista.” Puedes ver un avión cruzar el cielo hasta donde la simple vista te lo permita. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase as far as the eye could reach. Imagine that you were driving down this road. You looked all around you. You could see a long way, because the road was flat. As far as your eye could reach, all you saw was fields, with some mountains far away in the distance. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Let’s look out the window. Tell us what you see as far as your eye can reach. (Call on a few students to respond. Examples include fields, buildings, or houses.) 5. Now imagine that we are going on trips to different places. Help me finish each sentence. When I was hiking in the mountains, as far as my eye could reach I saw __________. When I was shopping in the city, I saw ____________ as far as my eye could reach. When I was riding through the country, as far as my eye could reach I saw __________. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: as far as the eye could reach, as far as the eye could reach, as far as the eye could reach. as far as the eye could reach

9 take the time Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use take the time to describe a way that we do things. Say it with me: take the time. Take the time means “to spend time doing something ” If you want to read a certain book, you will take the time to look for it at the library. If your grandparents live far away, you may take the time to send them a long every week. 2. En español, to take the time quiere decir “tomarse el tiempo para hacer algo.” Si quieres leer cierto libro, te tomarás tu tiempo para encontrarlo en la biblioteca. Si tus abuelos viven lejos de tu casa, es posible que te tomes tu tiempo para escribirles un largo correo electrónico cada semana. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase take the time. When this girl paints, she likes to do neat work. She takes the time to work slowly and think about the colors she is using. She is careful to make small, slow brush strokes. Because she takes the time to do a good job, she will have a beautiful picture. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to describe some activities. If you think they show an example of taking the time, say “take the time.“ If not, don’t do anything. My brother carefully makes his bed, puts away his toys, and hangs up his clothes. Every night I brush my teeth and wash my face. I rush out the door and eat an apple at the bus stop. 5. How would you take the time to do each of these things? Help me finish each sentence. When I’m getting ready for a party, I take the time to _________. When I have a day off from school, I take the time to __________. When I need a gift for my friend’s birthday, I take the time to __________. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: take the time, take the time, take the time. take the time

10 keep a diary Function Words & Phrases Unit 5 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use keep a diary to describe one way to write down what we do and think. Say it with me: keep a diary. When you keep a diary you write in a special book called a diary. You write down your thoughts and feelings or what you did. Usually people don’t show their diaries to anyone else. However, if someone is on a trip they might keep a diary of what they do and see and then share it with others. 2. En español, to keep a diary quiere decir “escribir en un diario.” En un diario escribes tus pensamientos y sentimientos y también lo que hiciste cada día. Por lo general, la gente no le muestra a nadie su diario. Sin embargo, si alguien hace un viaje, es posible que escriba en un diario lo que vio e hizo durante su recorrido, y seguramente querrá compartir después con otros sus vivencias. PARTNER TALK 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase keep a diary. This girl keeps a diary. She writes in her diary every evening. She writes about the things she has done during the day. If she is upset, she writes about her feelings. When she has finished, she puts her diary away so no one else can read it. The girl likes to keep a diary. 4. If I say I’m going to start to keep a diary, what does that mean? What will I do? Where will I do it? Discuss your response with your partner. (Ask one or two pairs for their response.) (It means I would write in a special book. I will write every afternoon when I get home from school. I’ll keep my diary in my desk drawer. I will make sure my brother doesn’t read it.) 5. What would you write about if you were keeping a diary? Discuss your response with your partner. (Ask one or two pairs for their response.) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: keep a diary, keep a diary, keep a diary. keep a diary

11 explorer Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. explorer

12 elk Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. elk

13 antelope Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. antelope

14 wintering grounds Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE
1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. wintering grounds

15 vegetation Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. vegetation

16 badlands Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. badlands

17 Basic Words Unit 5 ● Week 3 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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