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Presentation on theme: "IBC REGISTRATION - Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 of 2 IBC REGISTRATION - Overview IBC ITEMS Based on the NIH Guidelines and institutional policy, research experiments involving any of the following items MUST have an active IBC protocol: Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acids Biohazardous Agents e.g. bacteria, viruses (including viral vectors), fungi, protozoa, prions UC may potentially lose NIH funding if protocols are not properly submitted to IBC for review! Human-Derived Materials e.g. blood, bodily secretions and tissues, primary and established cell lines Also, experiments involving some listed BIOLOGICAL TOXINS are reviewed by the IBC, if they pass their exempt limit established by the CDC and USDA. PRE - REGISTRATION DATABASE ACCESS Protocols are submitted for review through an electronic form. Before creating an IBC protocol, PIs and lab personnel need to be activated in the database system. For that, the following information needs to be forwarded to the Biosafety Office: PRE-REGISTRATION Visit Before new protocols are created, the Biosafety Office schedules a visit to provide instructions on the electronic submission, to explain the IBC review/approval process and to assess the location(s) where research activities are to be conducted. last four digits of SSN Date of birth (MMDDYYYY) Biosafety Office:

2 of 2 IBC REGISTRATION - Overview CREATING A PROTOCOL Once PIs are activated in the IBC database, they can create their protocol. AMENDMENTS To access the database go HERE An approved protocol expires after years from its initial approval date. Protocols must be kept up-to-date. Amendments are submitted to reflect any changes (e.g. authorized personnel, location). Amendments other than authorized personnel and location updates will require review and approval by the full committee. NOTE:  Although your username is the one used on other UC applications, your PASSWORD is different. It should follow the format below Last 4 of SSN MMDD of DOB Total of 8 digits The IBC database is NOT compatible with MAC computers. TIMELINE The full committee meets on the first Thursday of every month. Protocols that are submitted 2 weeks in advance of the day of the meeting will be on the agenda. Most protocols are completed/approved with only one review; however, if major modifications and additional information are requested, a protocol may be deferred to the next meeting which would delay approval for approximately 4 more weeks. a For the steps of the IBC registration process, view the IBC Flow Chart Biosafety Office:

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