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Writing a literary analysis essay part one: identifying theme

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1 Writing a literary analysis essay part one: identifying theme
Student Goals: I can identify the topic of a piece of literature. I can identify what an author is saying about the topic in a piece of literature. I can write a theme statement that expresses the author’s intended message about the topic and the human condition.

2 Review: A theme is… • A message or idea • Stated in a sentence • An author’s observation about human nature or the human experience • Found in all literary elements of a story: characters, setting, symbolism, and conflict, etc. • Arguable • Implied; not directly stated • Applicable to multiple texts A theme is NOT… • A moral • A lesson • Advice • A “you” statement • Fortune cookie message • One word (a topic) • A summary

3 Simply put… A theme is… –the author’s central message or idea in a story. –expressed in a general statement. –is about human beings, human nature, or about some aspect of a universal human experience. -is often shown through literary devices like symbolism, setting, characters, etc.

4 Let’s Practice Look at the card.
Discuss: What’s going on here? What do you see? What could these objects or images REPRESENT? Analyze: What message could we take from this card? What could this image be “saying” about human nature or the human experience? WRITE THIS DOWN IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE. Note: This should not be a statement specific to the card – think of it this way, you want the message to represent the card, but not make it easy for someone to pick out exactly which card you have.

5 How to figure out a theme of a piece of literature:
What is the author saying about these topics? What topics or big ideas does the story deal with? Create a theme statement.

6 Create a theme statement for your topic/idea
human condition/experience: the characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality Use this template to help: In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” Richard Connell presents the idea that _____(topic)_____ + ___(comment about the human experience)____. Ideas: Competition Violence Perseverance Man & the Natural World Fear Hunter/Hunted

7 Theme Statement thesis
In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” Richard Connell presents the idea that _____(topic/abstract concept)_____ + ___(comment about the human condition)____. + Answer the question: How is this shown by the author? (Ex: through characters’ actions, setting, symbols, etc. Note: You can rephrase the template so that it doesn’t sound awkward. This is just a guide until you feel comfortable making your own thesis.

8 Thesis TEMPLATE: In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” Richard Connell presents the idea that _____(topic/idea)_____ + ___(comment about the human experience/condition)____, and he shows this through ______(literary device)_____.

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