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Viruses, Bacteria and the Immune System Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Viruses, Bacteria and the Immune System Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Viruses, Bacteria and the Immune System Vocabulary

2 pathogen any organism that causes disease

3 virus Pathogen that needs a host cell in order to survive

4 bacteria eubacteria archaebacteria
single-celled (unicellular) that can cause disease eubacteria archaebacteria True bacteria Found in soil and in intestines in animals Have cell walls and flagella Similar in shape and size to eubacteria VERY different from eubacteria Found in EXTREME environments Thermophiles (temp) Hot mud/geysers/arctic Halophiles (salty) Dead Sea Methanogens (methane) swamps

5 bacteriophage virus that infects bacteria

6 toxin any poison produced by an organism

7 parasite an organism that lives on/in or near a host and causes harm to it

8 host where parasites obtains what it needs

9 Infectious disease A disease caused by a microorganism that enters the body

10 antibiotic man- made chemical that destroys pathogens

11 AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) – A disease of the immune system caused by a virus

12 vaccine used to help prevent a specific disease. Usually contains a small amount of the dead or weakened virus or bacteria

13 homeostasis ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment

14 barriers Obstructs (blocks) something from entering.

15 Inflammatory response
Fluid and white blood cells leak from blood vessels into the area

16 Immune response Cells react to each kind of pathogen to fight

17 antigen molecule coming from outside the body that is capable of causing a response

18 antibodies substances produced in human body, marks to destroy specific antigens

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