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Fact verses Opinion slide 2

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1 Fact verses Opinion slide 2

2 How do we take an opinion and turn it into a paper?

3 Let’s look at the opinion: Should schools be a right or a privilege
Let’s look at the opinion: Should schools be a right or a privilege? We will need to plan out our reasoning to defend our opinion.


5 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.

6 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries have this philosophy School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.

7 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.

8 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given. Because of this, students respect their teachers more.

9 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given. Because of this, students respect their teachers more. Funding for schools

10 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given. Because of this, students respect their teachers more. So much school funding is wasted on buying supplies for students who do not utilize them Funding for schools

11 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given. Because of this, students respect their teachers more. So much school funding is wasted on buying supplies for students who do not utilize them or try in class. Funding and behavior

12 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given. Because of this, students respect their teachers more. So much school funding is wasted on buying supplies for students who do not utilize them or try in class. If we took out students who do not try we would have smaller classrooms. Funding for schools

13 School is a privilege that should be earned and not given.
Asian countries do this In countries, such as Japan, children have to earn the right to attend school and it causes the students to try even harder academically. School is a privilege that should be earned and not given. Because of this, students respect their teachers more. So much school funding is wasted on buying supplies for students who do not utilize them or try in class. If school were looked at as a privilege, instead of a right, students would try harder academically, teachers would be treated with more respect, funding would be better utilized, and classroom behavior and atmosphere would become better. If we took out students who do not try we would have smaller classrooms with less disruptions. Funding and behavior

14 Now we need to take this information and make it into a paper.

15 School: A Privilege, Not a Right
Katherine Benight English 1st Hour 10/3/2016 School: A Privilege, Not a Right In today’s age, education has become a hot topic and all the things wrong with education have become a growing concern. Everyone from state representatives to the parents of students have begun vocalizing the issues they see with education. It has been said by many that these issues cannot be solved Easily, however, I disagree with this statement. I believe that if we were to stop viewing education as a right, and started viewing it as a privilege, we would see that many of the issues in education today would be resolved. For example, school funding is one of the top issues that schools face today. If schools were to remove students who did not behave correctly and did not try academically, then less money would be wasted on the students who do not deserve it. Schools purchase books and materials that students tear up or never even use, because those students never do their work.

16 School: A Privilege, Not a Right
Katherine Benight English 1st Hour 10/3/2016 School: A Privilege, Not a Right In today’s age, education has become a hot topic and all the things wrong with education have become a growing concern. Everyone from state representatives to the parents of students have begun vocalizing the issues they see with education. It has been said by many that these issues cannot be solved easily. However, I disagree with this statement. I believe that if we were to stop viewing education as a right, and started viewing it as a privilege, we would see that many of the issues in education today would be resolved. For example, school funding is one of the top issues that schools face today. If schools were to remove students who did not behave correctly and did not try academically, then less money would be wasted on the students who do not deserve it. Schools purchase books and materials that students tear up or never even use, because those students never do their work. Introduction

17 School: A Privilege, Not a Right
Katherine Benight English 1st Hour 10/3/2016 School: A Privilege, Not a Right In today’s age, education has become a hot topic and all the things wrong with education have become a growing concern. Everyone from state representatives to the parents of students have begun vocalizing the issues they see with education. It has been said by many that these issues cannot be solved easily. However, I disagree with this statement. I believe that if we were to stop viewing education as a right, and started viewing it as a privilege, we would see that many of the issues in education today would be resolved. For example, school funding is one of the top issues that schools face today. If schools were to remove students who did not behave correctly and did not try academically, then less money would be wasted on the students who do not deserve it. Schools purchase books and materials that students tear up or never even use, because those students never do their work. Reason 1

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