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Jamie Burke 6th Grade English.

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1 Jamie Burke 6th Grade English

2 Chapter 1 Terms to Know deserted (p1) – javelin (p4) – postpone (p6) –
relieved (p6) – fragile (p7) – reluctantly (p8) – silhouette (p8) – Vanished (p8) –

3 Chapter 1 Graphic Organizer
2. He wakes up at home with the ballpoint pin under his pillow (Riptide / Anaklusmos). It is the last day of 7th grade. 5. He meets his friend, Tyson, at the subway before heading off to his last day of 7th grade. 1. Percy has a nightmare. Grover is being chased and hunted by a growling animal in St. Augustine, Fl. Runs into a wedding dress shop to hide. 3. Percy leaves for Camp Half Blood tomorrow. 4. Chiron has told Sally that it is not safe for Percy to come to camp.

4 Chapter 2 Terms to Know cannibals (p8) – perforated (p17) –
progressive (p8) – marooned (p8) – supervision (p8) – massive (p8) – abandoned (p8) – tattered (p9) – panicked (p10) – evacuated (p12) – pulverize (p 13) – obnoxious (p13) – billowed (p15) – perforated (p17) – searing (p17) – obscures (p17) – bellowed (p19) – disintegrated (p19) – petrified (p20) – hefted (p20) – deflect (p20) – demolished (p20) – crumpled (p21) – gloat (p22) – dumbfounded (p22) –

5 Chapter 2 Graphic Organizer
1. Percy attends Meriweather College Prep school. He sees a shadowy figure across the street when he leaves home. 2. School bully – Matt Sloan. 3. Tyson is a homeless kid that goes to school with Percy. 6’3”. Cries a lot, crooked teeth, size 20 shoe, lives in cardboard box on 72nd Street. Scared of everything. 7. Annabeth shows up. Matt tells everyone that Percy caught the building on fire. Tyson and Percy leave; Annabeth “disappears.” Chapter 2 Graphic Organizer 5. Sloan’s new friends turn into monsters (Laistrygonians – man eating monsters) 4. Matt Sloan picks on Tyson and Percy takes up for him. Sloan promises to beat Percy up! 6. Tyson defeats them by catching fireballs and throwing them back. They turn into a shimmer and disappear.

6 Chapter 3 Terms to Know scorched (p26) – escorting (p28) –
demigod (p28) – suspiciously (p29) – drachma (p29) – pummeled (p34) – halt (p37) –

7 Chapter 3 Graphic Organizer
1. Tyson goes with Annabeth and Percy to Camp Half Blood. 2. Taxi appears to take them to camp. The drivers say they won’t take “his” kind (Tyson). Had to pay extra. Chapter 3 Graphic Organizer 3. Ganymede – the most beautiful mortal; largest moon of Jupiter. 6. Camp is under attack. 4. Gray Sisters (Graeae Sisters) were the taxi drivers. Their names: Wasp, Anger, and Tempest. 5. Percy had thrown the eye and won’t return it until they tell what they know…. 30, 31, 75, 12….

8 Chapter 4 Terms to Know Rummaged (p40) – Taunted (p40) –
Smoldering (p41) – Silhouette (p43) – Immune (p46) – Dispose (p46) –

9 Chapter 4 Graphic Organizer
1. Bulls are roaming all over camp – the boundaries have failed. (Thalia’s tree protects the boundaries of the camp and doesn’t allow monsters to come in.) 2. Colchis Bulls – made by Hephaestus. You must have Medea’s lotion to keep from being burned. They have fist sized rubies for eyes and horns of silver. Chapter 4 Graphic Organizer 3. Tyson defeats the bull to save Percy. 6. Thalia’s tree is dying. It has been poisoned. 4. Tyson is a young cyclops who is homeless. 5. Tantalus is now the activities director at the camp. Argus has also been fired.

10 Chapters 5-10 Terms to Know
rivalry (p68) telepathically (p69) falsetto (p73) automatons (76) immune (p81) manipulated (p87) pinochle (p90) caduceus (p100) lyre (p102) chiton (p11 potent (p104) convinced (113) tinkered (p115) trance (p119) extinction (p128) freefall (p133) nautical (p136) chirred (p138) shelter (p138) jealous (p139) marquis (p141) sinister (p142) petrified (p144)

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