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The Cold War.

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1 The Cold War

2 # of deaths in World War II
20 million military deaths 25 million civilian deaths

3 Cold War Lasted from the end of WWII to 1990
Conflict and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union that never escalated into open warfare *Why did the end of WWII start the Cold War?

4 Yalta Conference Conference between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin in February 1945 They divide up Germany and agree to let the countries’ people choose the type of government they want


6 Potsdam Conference Truman and Stalin meet in July 1945
Truman makes Stalin aware of the atomic bomb Iron curtain is formed See p. 658

7 containment Keeping communism within its present boundaries….not allowing it to spread

8 Truman Doctrine The United States will give aid to any country fighting against a government being forced on them by another country (esp. Soviet Union forcing communism)

9 Marshall Plan The United States will give aid to European countries trying to rebuild their economies

10 The Berlin Crisis *Discuss
Berlin Airlift: Americans dropping supplies to Berlin while the Soviets were blockading the city

11 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(is an alliance of democratic western Europe countries and the U.S.

12 Warsaw Pact Alliance of communist Eastern European countries

13 China In 1949, China falls to Communism despite U.S. sending money and weapons Leader of China’s communist revolution = Mao Zedong

14 Korean War North and South Korea are divided by the 38th Parallel
Communist North Korea attacks democratic South Korea in 1950 In 1953, the Korean War ends with South Korea (with the help of the U.S) pushing the North Koreans back

15 Red Scare Period of time in the 1940s and 1950s when many Americans feared that communists were spying and trying to take over our government and country It was basically unwarranted

16 J. Edgar Hoover During the Red Scare, FBI Director who aggressively tried to expose communists Hoover made HUAC popular HUAC is the House Un-American Activities Committee (it tried to expose any communists and communist sympathizers

17 Joseph R. McCarthy Said that he had a list of Communists who worked in the government (employed by the State Department) Began by accusing government officials and turned into a media frenzy where wild accusations were made McCarthy’s popularity began to fade when he bullied witnesses during televised hearings

18 Soviet bombs 1949: Soviets get an atomic bomb
1953: Soviets get an H-bomb (hydrogen bomb) This makes Americans nervous

19 Sputnik On Oct. 4, 1957: the Soviets launch Sputnik (the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth) As a result, the U.S. creates NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

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