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Xenophobia The Red Scare (1919-1920) – fear of the Communist Revolution in Russia spreading leads to the jailing and deportation of Anarchist, Communists.

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Presentation on theme: "Xenophobia The Red Scare (1919-1920) – fear of the Communist Revolution in Russia spreading leads to the jailing and deportation of Anarchist, Communists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xenophobia The Red Scare ( ) – fear of the Communist Revolution in Russia spreading leads to the jailing and deportation of Anarchist, Communists and Socialists- “Soviet Ark” Labor Movement suffers. Communism considered a foreign conspiracy- Ideas were Un-American. KKK – 1 million

2 Immigrants No Longer Welcome
Immigrations Act of established a quota; 10% of the number of immigrants in 1910. Immigrations Act of further restricted immigration; 2% of the number of immigrants in 1890

3 “Silent Cal” Restores Credibility to the Presidency
Calvin Coolidge- very honest; believer in laissez-faire economics. Andrew Mellon- Secretary of the Treasury; introduces trickle-down economics- tax cuts for the rich.

4 Trickle Down Economics Today
Between 1990 and 2004, the bottom 90% of the US population saw its average household income increase by 2%. It went up 57% for the top 1%. It went up 112% for the top .01%.

5 1920’s Economic Boom – Roaring 20’s
Stock Market Booms – Bull Market (Bear) Buying Goods on Credit Installment plan: pay for goods over extended period with interest Some economists, business owners think installment buying excessive – Why? Future? – Who cares live for today!

6 Revolution in Automobile Production – Assembly Line
Henry Ford Model T – Assembly Line and installment plan make the car available to most. “When you build a factory, you build a temple.” Materialism is the new trend.

7 The Lost Generation (US) - The Da Da Movement (Europe)
Main Theme: Disillusionment F. Scott Fitzgerald: called the era the “Jazz Age” Great Gatsby: Showed the negative side of 1920s wealth Sinclair Lewis: Babbit; Against materialism Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms – questions glorification of war

8 The Roaring 20’s The New Urban Scene
1922–1929, nearly 2 million people leave farms, towns each year Urban v. Rural - Clash of VALUES!

9 The Noble Experiment 18th Amendment (1919): supported by religious groups, Rural South, West Prohibition: production, sale, transportation of alcohol is illegal! Volstead Act (1919) Problem: Government does not budget enough money to enforce the law.


11 Prohibition Ignored Speakeasies: hidden saloons, nightclubs – The “corner cop” People distill liquor, buy prescription alcohol, “sacramental” wine Bootlegging: illegal sale, manufacturing

12 Rise of Organized Crime
Al Capone: controls Chicago liquor business by killing competitors – St Valentines Day Massacre Corruption at EVERY level! Mid-1920s: only 19% support Prohibition

13 The Election of 1928 Al Smith (D) Herbert Hoover (R) Urban- from NYC
Irish-Catholic Wet Progressive- Gov’t Regulation Herbert Hoover (R) Rural- from Iowa W.A.S.P. Dry Pro Big Business – Laissez Faire

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