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While I Take Attendance

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1 While I Take Attendance
Read this week’s announcements on the Home Page of my website Download, “Bolshevik Revolution & Questions” sub assignment from last week, if you haven’t done it already, as homework this needs to be completed and ed to me. Download, “Return to Normalcy Chart” Complete this chart as a part of today’s notes. There are also hyperlinks embedded in the chart to help you find the information you need.

2 Return to Normalcy Unit 6 Notes

3 Prohibition 18th Amendment
Outlawing the sale, production, and consumption of alcohol

4 The Red Scare Time period in American History in which Americans were irrationally afraid of Communism, Communist spies, and a communist takeover in America Results in the wrongful persecution of many innocent people.

5 Nativism On the Rise Again Anti-Immigrant Laws
KKK rises again – this time to persecute immigrants

6 Sacco & Vanzetti Italian Immigrants Anarchists
Scapegoats for the anti-immigrant movement in America

7 Isolationism American sentiment was to stay out of foreign affairs – to isolate ourselves from other countries.

8 The Palmer Raids Targeted immigrants and political leftist (liberals).
Attorney General Palmer deported hundred of people until he was stopped ACLU published a report

9 1920 Election Warren G. Harding won on the promise to return America to a time of “Normalcy” Go back to the way things were, to change slowly, and to not get involved in other country’s affairs.

10 Teapot Dome Scandal Warren G Harding’s advisors, after being bribed, convinced Harding to sign off on the sell of oil lands to a specific company (without bids)

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