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BCPS Middle School Digital Citizenship Instruction

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1 BCPS Middle School Digital Citizenship Instruction
Kelly Ray, Resource Teacher Library Media Programs - Office of Innovation & Digital Safety ELA MS Department Chairs Meeting - September 20, 2017

2 Part of “Growing up Digital” system initiative
Access from BCPSOne (before login) or from Homepage  GROWING UP DIGITAL link under School Safety Also: Required SAFE SCHOOLS “Growing Up Digital” training webinars for C & I Staff, Curriculum Writers, administrators, teachers, school staff.

3 Digital Citizenship in “Growing up Digital”
From “Growing Up Digital” Portal, Digital Citizenship on left sidebar. BCPS certified by Common Sense Education AND K-12 Scope & Sequence of instruction linked here. K-12 Scope & Sequence Click Growing Up Digital screenshot to display snipped section of Digital Citizenship page with Scope & Sequence Link Also mention: Required SAFE SCHOOLS “Growing Up Digital” training webinars for C & I Staff, Curriculum Writers, administrators, teachers, school staff.

4 Digital Citizenship Scope & Sequence
Aligned to Common Sense Education digital citizenship curriculum. Mastery of learning targets based on age-appropriate learning needs. Sustained to address changing issues and needs as students mature.

5 Digital Citizenship Instruction Model to date
: K-5 Digital Citizenship Units designed and implemented in all Library Media classes. : 9 MS & 6 HS Digital Citizenship Slam Dunks optional implemented by some Librarians/Teachers. : 9 MS Digital Citizenship Slam Dunks mandatory for all Grade 6 Lighthouse MS students receiving devices; implemented by LMS in collaboration with instructional partners. : Mandatory instruction through ELA classes (Standard & AA/GT) in collaboration with library media specialists, coinciding with device roll-out: All Students in Grade 6: 9 MS Digital Citizenship Lessons/Slam Dunks & BCPS One Quizzes All Students in Gr 9-12 Lighthouse HS: 6 HS Digital Citizenship Lessons/Slam Dunks & BCPS One Quizzes : Mandatory instruction through ELA classes (Standard & AA/GT) in collaboration with library media specialists: All Students in Grade 6: 6 MS Digital Citizenship Lessons (2) Slam Dunks (4) & BCPS One Quizzes Lesson topics combined to reduce number of lessons from 9 to 6! Lessons & Slam Dunks integrated with ELA Grade 6/ELA Grade 6 GT curriculum. All Students in Grade 9 Lighthouse HS: 6 HS Digital Citizenship Lessons/Slam Dunks & BCPS One Quizzes A team of ELA teachers & MS LMS worked to brainstorm how Digital Citizenship might be integrated with ELA curriculum.

6 Digital Citizenship Integration in Grade 6 ELA 2017-18
In Course Maps for ELA Grade 6 and ELA grade 6 GT see Digital Citizenship Integration Resources folder: Digital Citizenship Implementation Overviews 4 Slam Dunks – Flexible Unit integration (suggestions provided) 2 Lesson Plans – Required in Unit 2/Mythology: Digital Drama & Gender Stereotypes 6 BCPS One Quizzes and MS Word DRAFT Quizzes/Answer Keys Teachers collaborate with Library Media Specialists for co-planning & co-teaching Lessons/Slam Dunks in the Library or in the classroom. Students must take the BCPSOne Quiz for each Lesson and Slam Dunk. All items SELECTED RESPONSE (self-scoring); 5-7 items on each Quiz. Quizzes may be graded or ungraded (school-based decision).

7 Digital Citizenship SlAM DUNKS
Also accessible from Slam Dunk index: From homepage: Under Student Research  Online Research Models & Slam Dunks



10 MS Digital Citizenship Course Map in BCPS One: May be Used with Grade 8
Grade 6 ELA teachers will use Digital Citizenship Integration Resources in Course Maps for ELA Grade 6 and ELA grade 6 GT for instruction in (NOT the MS Digital Citizenship Course Map lessons used last year) Librarians and teachers in various content areas may use lessons in the MS Digital Citizenship Course Map (or Slam Dunks listed under Grade 8 on Digital Citizenship Slam Dunk index) with Grade 8 classes. Librarians have been encouraged to collaborate with teachers to implement these. (Grade 7 students will have had these lessons last year).

11 TIMELINE All Lessons & BCPS One Quizzes must be given by end of school year. Teachers should get started Quarter 1 and implement as many lessons as possible each quarter. *Digital Drama and Gender Stereotypes lessons MUST be done in Unit 2/Mythology; others are flexible. Try to finish before PARCC. Library Media Specialist will assist ELA Department Chair and teachers with developing a year long plan and monitoring progress toward completion of all 6 Lessons/Quizzes. MS and Lighthouse HS Only Image:

12 Support: Library Media Specialist
Library Media Specialists have been provided with Implementation Overviews, Slam Dunks, drafts of Unit 2 Lessons, and all Quizzes. LMS coordinates implementation with ELA Dept Chair/teachers. You may use this PowerPoint to inform teachers at a Dept. Meeting. For LMS to teach/co-teach BCPSOne Lessons/Quizzes: Teacher must share access to class Teachers should follow instructions in: BCPSOne Manual  Teachers  Gradebook  Share Access to Your Gradebook

13 Additional Resources: “Growing up Digital”
Growing Up Digital link in BCPS One -OR- Homepage  Growing Up Digital link under School Safety Additional information related to Lesson topics. Family Tip Sheets may be sent home to support learning as instruction occurs.

14 Additional Resources: Digital Learning Wiki


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