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MREA Admin: Managing the Office

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Presentation on theme: "MREA Admin: Managing the Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 MREA Admin: Managing the Office
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 MREA Admin: Managing the Office For the Millionaire Real Estate Agent Marketing and Administrative Manager Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

2 Introduction 1 Objectives Describe the Ground Rules
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction Objectives Describe the Ground Rules What You Will Learn Why You Are Here How You Will Learn 1 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

3 Ground Rules 2 Arrive on Time Form Groups Quickly
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction Ground Rules Arrive on Time Form Groups Quickly Limit Side Conversations Turn off Cell Phones and Pagers Be comfortable Respect time Respect each other Help Each Other Respect confidentiality Have Fun! 2 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

4 What You Will Learn 3 MREA Business Systems About business
Introduction What You Will Learn MREA Business Systems About business Moving from E to P 3

5 What You Will Learn (cont)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction What You Will Learn (cont) Action Oriented Outcomes Use the MREA Operations Manual Hold staff accountable using the 4-1-1 Prepare to recruit new talent 4 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

6 What You Will Learn (cont)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction What You Will Learn (cont) The Role of the Marketing and Administrative Manager Managing Communications Managing Office Information Managing Inventories Team Accountability Preparing to Recruit Recruiting Sources Preparing for Recruit Select Time Management 5-6 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

7 Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction Why You Are Here To create the systems and implement the standards for an MREA office. What are your issues? 7 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

8 How You Will Learn 8 The Situation Introducing Annie/Andy Assistant
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction How You Will Learn The Situation Introducing Annie/Andy Assistant Introducing Millie Millionaire Using The MREA Operations Manual 8 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

9 How You Will Learn (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Introduction How You Will Learn (cont.) Action-Oriented Training Participate Observe Rate yourself Problem solve Create an action plan 9 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

10 Chapter 1: Role of the MAM
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 1: Role of the MAM Objectives Review the job description of the Marketing and Administrative Manager Review the Path to the 7th Level 10 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

11 Job Description 11 Develops and Implements systems
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 1: The Role of the MAM Job Description Develops and Implements systems Creates and Maintains Operations Manual Maintain all Financial Systems Develops and Maintains Team Filing System Coordinates all Office Equipment Point of Contact for all Customers Updates Team Leader Hiring, Training, and Consulting 11 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

12 The Path to the 7th Level 12 Chapter 1: The Role of the MAM Agent
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 1: The Role of the MAM The Path to the 7th Level Agent Agent Agent Agent 12 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

13 The Path to the 7th Level (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 1: The Role of the MAM The Path to the 7th Level (cont.) Agent Agent 13 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

14 The Path to the 7th Level (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 1: The Role of the MAM The Path to the 7th Level (cont.) Agent (CEO) Agent (Owner) 14 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

15 My Scorecard 15 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 1: The Role of the MAM My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: The MAM job description The path to the 7th level Take time to rate yourself… and create your action item! 15 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

16 Chapter 2: Managing Communications
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications Objectives Identify standards and best practices for verbal communication systems Identify standards and best practices for managing mail Define when and how to hold meetings and events 16 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

17 The Situation 17 General Observations Phone ringing
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications The Situation General Observations Phone ringing Phone answering—who Phone answering—how Message taking Returning calls Mail 17 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

18 Verbal Communications
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications Verbal Communications Managing the Phones Answering the Phones Managing Calls Taking and Delivering Messages Checking Voic Returning Calls Handling Complaints 18-20 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

19 Managing the Mail 21 Open and Distribute Read and Respond
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications Managing the Mail Open and Distribute Read and Respond Send and Receive Faxes Send and Receive 21 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

20 Meetings and Events 22 Schedule and Coordinate Team Meetings
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications Meetings and Events Schedule and Coordinate Team Meetings Inspirations and Kudos! Buyer Team Report Listing Team Report Marketing Report Closing Report Education 22 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

21 Meetings and Events (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications Meetings and Events (cont.) Schedule and Coordinate Client Events Community Events Booths at local festival Event Sponsorship (5K run) Client Events Client Appreciation Dinners Learning Events (MREI) 23 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

22 Application 24 Exercise Managing Millie’s Communications
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications Application Exercise Managing Millie’s Communications 24 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

23 My Scorecard 25 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 2: Managing Communications My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Verbal communications Managing the mail Meetings and events Take time to rate yourself… and create your action item! 25 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

24 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Objectives Identify how to create office filing systems Review the systems for managing office databases Define how to manage printing and duplication 26 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

25 The Situation 27 General Observations File location File structure
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information The Situation General Observations File location File structure Bills! Database entry Vendor management Copier Marketing plans Mailings Packets 27 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

26 Office Files 28 Set Up and Maintain Files Current Transaction Files
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Office Files Set Up and Maintain Files Current Transaction Files Seller Files Buyer Files Archived Transaction Files Keep for a minimum of 6 months Review any State legal requirements 28 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

27 29 Office Files (cont.) Current Business Files Archived Business Files
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Office Files (cont.) Current Business Files Accounts Receivable/ Payable Leases/ Service Agreements Archived Business Files Keep for a minimum of 1 calendar year Consult accountant or tax attorney 29 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

28 Maintain All Databases
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Maintain All Databases Client Database Every prospect entered Update changes Clean database regularly 30 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

29 Maintain All Databases (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Maintain All Databases (cont.) Other Databases Vendor List Equipment Maintenance Keller Williams Contacts 31 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

30 Copying, Publication, Mailing
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Copying, Publication, Mailing Copying Transaction Forms Internal Material Publication Listing Flyers Client Packets Mailing Plan Recipients Items Send to Mail House 32 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

31 Promotional Items 33 Inventory Number used Frequency Freshness Budget
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Promotional Items Inventory Number used Frequency Freshness Budget 33 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

32 Application 34 Exercise Managing Millie’s Office Information
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information Application Exercise Managing Millie’s Office Information 34 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

33 My Scorecard 35 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 3: Managing Office Information My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Create an Office Filing System Managing the Office Databases Manage Printing and Duplication Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 35 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

34 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Objectives Identify strategies to manage office supplies Identify strategies for managing signs and lockboxes to keep up with a growing business Identify strategies for making sure there are sufficient Customer Packets 36 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

35 The Situation 37 General Observations Signs Lockbox inventory
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories The Situation General Observations Signs Lockbox inventory Sellers’ Keys Listing Packets Buyer’s Packets Couriers Office Supplies 37 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

36 Supplies Purchase and Inventory Supplies Standard Supply Order Form
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Supplies Purchase and Inventory Supplies Standard Supply Order Form Identify Supplier Identify Standard Supplies Review with Team Leader Update form with regular supplies 38-41 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

37 42 Supplies (cont.) Request Voucher for Supplies Form
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Supplies (cont.) Request Voucher for Supplies Form Use for special items Allow at least hours 42 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

38 43 Signs and Lockboxes Providing a Sign and Lockbox
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Signs and Lockboxes Providing a Sign and Lockbox Obtain the address and a key Obtain a lockbox Sign the lockbox out in the Lockbox Inventory Folder. 43 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

39 Signs and Lockboxes (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Signs and Lockboxes (cont.) Providing a Sign and Lockbox (cont.) Complete the New Listing Lockbox form Obtain a sign and riders Complete the New Listings Sign form 3 copies of seller’s key 44 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

40 Signs and Lockboxes (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Signs and Lockboxes (cont.) Providing a Sign and Lockbox (cont.) Install lockbox, sign and test keys Place direction or lead-in signs Always get permission Never in a right-of-way Return to the Office Give a key to the Listing Manager Place key with address and shackle code in cabinet 45 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

41 Signs and Lockboxes (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Signs and Lockboxes (cont.) Picking Up a Sign and Lockbox Provide New Listing Lockbox/Sign forms Pick up sign and lockbox Pick up all signs and riders Update Lockbox Inventory Form Sign and date New Listing sheets 46 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

42 Customer Packets 47 Inventory Customer Packets
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Customer Packets Inventory Customer Packets Pre-Listing Folder/Packet Buyer Consultation Packet FSBO Packet Expired Packet Buyer/Seller WOW Program 47 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

43 Customer Packets (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Customer Packets (cont.) Customer Inventory Packet Form Packet Name Packet Contents Quantity to Keep on Hand Current Quantity 48 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

44 Application 49 Exercise Managing Millie’s Office Inventories
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories Application Exercise Managing Millie’s Office Inventories 49 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

45 My Scorecard 50 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 4: Managing Inventories My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Managing your office supplies Stocking and tracking signs and lockboxes Creating customer packets Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 50 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

46 Give an Aha! Take an Aha! 51 Exercise Think about your Aha’s! Share
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Give an Aha! Take an Aha! Exercise Think about your Aha’s! Share Struggling? Put the Aha into action 51 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

47 Chapter 5: Team Accountability
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Objectives Identify the responsibilities of a Transaction Coordinator Define Coaching vs. Counseling Conduct a Consulting Session 52 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

48 The Situation 53 General Observations Three Key Hires
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Situation General Observations Three Key Hires Marketing and Administrative Manager Lead Buyer Specialist Lead Listing Specialist Work with Transaction Coordinator Path to the 7th Level 53 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

49 Your Team Needs 54 What do you want? What do you have now?
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Your Team Needs What do you want? What do you have now? Who would you replace? 54 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

50 Training, Consulting, and Coaching
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Training, Consulting, and Coaching When is it a training issue? Training Issue Consulting Issue Behavioral Issue 55 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

51 Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.) Training and Consulting the Right Way 56 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

52 Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.) Definition Coaching Team is not achieving standards and goals Consulting Team consistently achieves and exceeds 56 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

53 Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.) 57 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

54 Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.) What is Effective Consulting Uses proven models and systems Uses great questions Focuses on actions Respectful, caring, and non-judgmental 58 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

55 Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability Training, Consulting, and Coaching (cont.) “Carefrontation” Get agreement on responsibilities Give them authority Set standards Provide training Hold accountable Provide feedback Recognize achievements Trust them Give permission to fail Dignity and Respect 59 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

56 The Consulting Session
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Consulting Session Preparing for the Session Together—define goals They—prepare 4-1-1 You—review 4-1-1 60 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

57 The Consulting Session (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Consulting Session (cont.) Exercise Form groups of 4-6 Identify Annual Goals Identify Monthly and Weekly Goals Document your Conclusions 61 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

58 The Consulting Session (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Consulting Session (cont.) Format of the Session What was your goal? How did you do? How do you feel? What is your goal now? What might keep you from doing that? What training or support do you need? 62 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

59 The Consulting Session (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Consulting Session (cont.) Results of the Session Meeting the Goals Review goals Improve techniques Set new goals 63 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

60 The Consulting Session (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Consulting Session (cont.) Results of the Session (cont.) Not Meeting the Goals Get agreement Goals unrealistic, or conditions not supportive Share perspectives Consequences What should happen now? 63 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

61 The Consulting Session (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Consulting Session (cont.) Exercise Watch the Instructor Find a Partner Practice! 64 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

62 The Tough Conversation
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability The Tough Conversation Not Performing Up To Standards Training Problem Performance Problem Review Script 65-66 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

63 My Scorecard 67 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 5: Team Accountability My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Responsibilities of Transaction Coordinator Training, consulting, and coaching How to conduct a consulting session Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 67 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

64 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Objectives Define the Cost of Errors Purposeful Recruiting Define Talent Create a Job Profile Discuss Behavioral Assessments 68 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

65 The Situation 69 Time to attract new talent!
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit The Situation Time to attract new talent! What’s your recruiting plan? 69 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

66 Cost of Errors 71 Have you ever made a costly hiring error?
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Cost of Errors Have you ever made a costly hiring error? Have you ever calculated the tangible and intangible costs of such an error? 71 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

67 Cost of Errors 71 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Tangible Intangible
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Cost of Errors Tangible Intangible Salary $ Damaged Reputation Mgmt Time Loss of Goodwill Admin Time Staff Morale/Turnover Staff Time Manager Morale/Turnover Facilities/Overhead Lost/Limited Candidates Production Lost Business Clients Lost Productivity Lawsuits Total Annual Costs 71 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

68 Purposeful Recruiting
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Purposeful Recruiting P Purposeful Style “Doing What Comes Unnaturally” THE FUNDA MENTAL CEILING OF ACHIEVEMENT E Entrepreneurial Style “Doing What Comes Naturally” And the Cycle Plays On and On and On and On … 73

69 How do you recruit, hire, train, and reward the right way?
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Your Mindset Matters Limiting Beliefs vs. Unlimiting Beliefs How do you recruit, hire, train, and reward the right way? Follow a system! 73 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

70 Talent 74 Talent vs. Non-Talent Pushes vs. pushed
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Talent Talent vs. Non-Talent Pushes vs. pushed Shares goals vs. doesn’t fulfill needs Searching to know vs. doesn’t know Raises the bar vs. “there is a bar?” Language of challenge vs. just rhetoric 74 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

71 75 Talent (cont.) Capacity Cul-de-Sac Desire and ability to learn
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Talent (cont.) Capacity Desire and ability to learn Grow beyond the basic job Replacement Talent Cul-de-Sac No desire to learn Doesn’t “plus” the job 75 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

72 Job Profile 76 Transaction Coordinator Job Description
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Job Profile Transaction Coordinator Job Description Process contract through closing Assure post-closing procedures complete Communication Update Team Vender and Service Provider files Fiduciary Service Supervises assistant and runners 76 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

73 77 Job Profile (cont.) Job Profile Document Job Standards
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Job Profile (cont.) Job Profile Document Job Standards Job Requirements Behavioral Requirements Job Narrative 77 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

74 What Is Behavior? 78 Exercise Behavior or Skill?
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit What Is Behavior? Exercise Behavior or Skill? 78

75 What Is Behavior? 79 Behavior is … What is “preferred” behavior?
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit What Is Behavior? Behavior is … The way someone acts The observable aspects of ingrained habits and beliefs Neither good nor bad—behavior just is More flexible in some, less flexible in others What is “preferred” behavior? 79

76 What Is Behavior? 79 Behavior is not … Intelligence Values
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit What Is Behavior? Behavior is not … Intelligence Values Skills and experience Education and training Motivation Ethics 79

77 What Is Behavior? 80 Can Behavior Change? Unlikely after a certain age
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit What Is Behavior? Can Behavior Change? Unlikely after a certain age Basically a “hostile” act Result of extreme external force Most people have some flexibility Two kinds of more dramatic behavior shift: Short-term “conflict” Long-term “compensation” 80

78 Behavioral Requirements
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Behavioral Requirements When the behavioral traits of a person match the behavioral requirements of the job, they’ll experience job behavioral comfort. When a person’s behavior is not matched to a job, job behavioral discomfort may result. What are some signs or symptoms of job behavioral discomfort? 81

79 Missing Person’s Report (cont’d)
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit Missing Person’s Report (cont’d) The DISC graph for the Transaction Coordinator 82

80 What Is Most Important? 83 What are the most important criteria
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit What Is Most Important? What are the most important criteria to consider when recruiting and selecting candidates? 83

81 The Role of the DISC at KWR
Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit The Role of the DISC at KWR Used as an early screening tool when hiring Improve communications and reduce conflict Develop leaders and teams Use Abelson’s TTI Online DISC at (KWRI recommended vendor) 83

82 The Role of the DISC at KWR (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit The Role of the DISC at KWR (cont.) Communication Tips D– Be clear and concise, stick to business I– Warm and friendly, not a lot of details S– Break the ice, ask “how?” C– Stick to business, be realistic 85 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

83 The Role of the DISC at KWR (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit The Role of the DISC at KWR (cont.) Cautions Don’t ignore the wisdom in behavioral analysis Put behavioral analysis in perspective (only one factor!) Respect differences Use the DISC Language Appropriately 86 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

84 My Scorecard 87 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 6: Preparing to Recruit My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: The cost of errors Purposeful recruiting Creating a Job Profile Behavioral Assessments Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 87 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

85 Chapter 7: Recruiting Sources
Objectives Allied Resources Other Sources for Candidates 88

86 Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 7: Recruiting Sources The Allied Resource An Allied Resource is … someone within your network of connections who can provide you with names of candidates Qualifications of an Allied Resource Importance of Recruiting through Allied Resources 89 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

87 The Allied Resource (cont.)
Chapter 7: Recruiting Sources The Allied Resource (cont.) Where to Look for Allied Resources EXERCISE Your AR List Take 5 minutes to create a list of your top 20 allied resources 90

88 The Allied Resource (cont.)
Chapter 7: Recruiting Sources The Allied Resource (cont.) Educate Your Allied Resources What is a “Company Story” and how does it relate to your recruiting strategy? EXERCISE Create Your Company Story 91

89 Other Sources for Candidates
Chapter 7: Recruiting Sources Other Sources for Candidates People in the Position Temporary Employment Agencies Permanent Employment Agencies Ads Job Websites What do you think? 92-93

90 My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: 94
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 7: Recruiting Sources My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Allied Resources Other Sources for Candidates Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 94 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

91 Give an Aha! Take an Aha! 95 Exercise Form groups of 4-5
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Give an Aha! Take an Aha! Exercise Form groups of 4-5 List all of your Aha!s 95 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

92 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit-Select
Objectives Your Recruiting Plan Resume Review Administering the DISC Interviewing Techniques Reference Checking Recruit-Select Model 96

93 Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Your Recruiting Plan POST-CLASS EXERCISE Develop a Recruiting Action Plan & Schedule Time with Your Accountability Partner/Manager 97 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

94 Your Role in Recruiting
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Your Role in Recruiting Neutral Information-gathering consultant Systematic approach Discover Assess 98 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

95 Resume Review 99 Key Review Questions
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Resume Review Key Review Questions What skills does the candidate have? What skills does the person not have? What is their job experience? How long has the candidate stayed in a job? What experience does the person not have? What is their educational background? What other items did you hope to find? 99 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

96 Resume Review (cont.) Would you pre-screen this candidate?
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Resume Review (cont.) Would you pre-screen this candidate? Discuss why/why not. Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

97 Administering the DISC
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Administering the DISC Computerized (online) DISC assessment is more refined and accurate than paper-based tools. The Abelson Group provides Keller Williams with TTI Success Insights DISC reports for a discount. 102 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

98 Administering the DISC (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Administering the DISC (cont.) Abelson TTI Success Insights (online) DISC reports are robust “custom” reports for your candidates. Two types of reports available through Abelson Group Sales Report Management-Staff Report Purchase one-at-a-time or set up an account Fast turnaround 103 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

99 The DISC 104 DISC Interpretation D Dominance I Influence S Steadiness
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select The DISC DISC Interpretation D Dominance I Influence S Steadiness C Compliance 104 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

100 Example from Abelson Group’s TTI Success Insights™ Report
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select The DISC (cont.) DISC Interpretation How to Read the Graphs Read highest point/score, then next highest, then next highest… to get profile score Scores above the 50% line are most dominant traits in the profile Example from Abelson Group’s TTI Success Insights™ Report 105 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

101 Interviewing Techniques
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Interviewing Techniques Check Your Attitude/State of Mind Do your best to stay… Positive Confident Enthusiastic, yet controlled Curious Relaxed Interested Open-minded Objective Professional 106 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

102 Interviewing Techniques (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Interviewing Techniques (cont.) Get Smart. Review the following… Job opportunity Ideal behavioral profiles State of the real estate industry State of your market State of Keller Williams, your office, your team Steps in the Recruit-Select process 107 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

103 Interviewing Techniques (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Interviewing Techniques (cont.) Maintain Clear Input Channels Be able to see, hear, and feel what is happening out there Don’t get triggered by the candidate Know the selection system so well that it’s automatic 107 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

104 Interviewing Techniques (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Interviewing Techniques (cont.) Establish Rapport Match the candidate’s language, tempo, and body language Help candidate to feel that you understand them How else? 107 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

105 Interviewing Techniques (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Interviewing Techniques (cont.) Formulate Good Questions Ask wide-angle, open-ended questions Avoid leading questions Don’t interrogate Ask process questions Wait for answers! 108 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

106 Interviewing Techniques (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Interviewing Techniques (cont.) Probe/Layer/Unpack In addition to that … What’s one more … Can you elaborate … Tell me more … And … 109 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

107 Why Do Reference Checks?
Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select Why Do Reference Checks? Predict future from past behavior Validate conclusions Understand environment How did people react? Who does the candidate value? 3 Levels Deep 110

108 The Recruit-Select Model
Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select The Recruit-Select Model 111

109 My Scorecard 112 In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 8: Preparing for Recruit Select My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Your Recruiting Plan Resume Review Interviewing Techniques Reference Checking The Recruit-Select Model Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 112 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

110 Chapter 9: Time Management
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Define your big rocks Apply the 80/20 Principle Practice Time Blocking Be a Productivity Warrior 113 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

111 Situation 114 You have too much to do, and you are
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Situation You have too much to do, and you are working hours a day. Exercise What are your challenges? 114 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

112 Life/Work Balance 115 Counterbalanced Life Work Family Health
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Life/Work Balance Counterbalanced Life Work Family Health Spiritual 115 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

113 Define Your Big Rocks 116 The Big Rocks and the Jar
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Define Your Big Rocks The Big Rocks and the Jar 116 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

114 Define Your Big Rocks (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Define Your Big Rocks (cont.) Discussion: What are your Big Rocks? 117 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

115 Apply the 80/20 Principle 118 Exercise Make a list of your tasks
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Apply the 80/20 Principle Exercise Make a list of your tasks Review the list and circle the big rocks Have to do list! 118 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

116 Practice Time Blocking
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Practice Time Blocking Be purposeful Be thoughtful Protect the time Erase…and replace Be consistent Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

117 Productivity Warrior Know your prime time Delegate 120
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Productivity Warrior Know your prime time morning person, afternoon “go-getter,” night owl? Delegate Can someone else do it better/faster? 120 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

118 Productivity Warrior (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Productivity Warrior (cont.) Just say “No” Clarify- understand the request Be polite and firm You don’t have to justify Suggest alternatives Avoid procrastination 122 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

119 Productivity Warrior (cont.)
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management Productivity Warrior (cont.) Expect the Unexpected What other practices help you stay productive? 123 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

120 My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about:
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 9: Time Management My Scorecard In this chapter, we have talked about: Defining your big rocks The 80/20 principle Practicing time blocking Take time to Rate yourself… and create your action item! 124 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

121 Chapter 10: Putting It All Together
Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 10: Putting It All Together Objectives Review what you have learned Create an Action Plan 125 Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

122 Instructor's Notes 11/10/2018 Chapter 10: Putting It All Together What You Have Learned The Role of the Marketing and Administrative Manager Managing Communications Managing Office Information Managing Inventories Team Accountability Preparing to Recruit Recruiting Sources Preparing for Recruit-Select Time Management Keller MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004

123 Action Plan Take your business to the next level… xx

124 (Don’t forget your evaluation!)
Thank You for Being Here! (Don’t forget your evaluation!)

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