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7 Secrets to High Google Rankings:

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1 7 Secrets to High Google Rankings:
By Stephan Spencer, Founder and President, Netconcepts

2 Secret #1: How to Gauge the Missed Opportunity Costs
Calculate the missed opportunity cost of not ranking well for products and services that you offer? # of people searching for your keywords engine share (Google = 60%) expected click-through rate average conversion rate average transaction amount x x x x Or being outranked by affiliates of your own company name - like is for "Bissell cleaners” and is for "Lerner catalog"? E.g.10,000/day x 60% x 10% x 5% x $100 = $3,000/day

3 How Frequently Are People Searching For My Keywords?
Tools to check popularity of keyword searches Overture’s Keyword Selector Tool ( Trellian’s Google’s Keyword Tool Google Trends Google Suggest

4 Overture Keyword Selector Tool
Pros Free! Data is from a large sample of Internet searches (including all searches on Yahoo!) Cons Variations of keywords are aggregated (e.g. verb tenses, plural & singular, misspellings) Rife with bogus data from automated searches Only a month’s data. No historical archives.

5 Keyword Popularity – According to Yahoo!

6 Pros Cons Based on last 60 days worth of searches
Singular vs plural, misspellings, verb tenses all separated out Advanced functionality: keyword “projects”, import data into Excel, synonyms, … Cons Requires subscription fee ($260/year) Data is from a small sample of Internet searches (from the minor search engines Dogpile and MetaCrawler) Contains bogus data from automated searches No historical archives

7 Keyword Popularity – According to WordTracker

8 Pros Cons Full year of historical archives
Data is from a large sample of Internet searches (9 billion searches compiled from 37 engines) Singular vs plural, misspellings, verb tenses all separated out Can segment by country Advanced functionality: keyword “projects”, import data into Excel, synonyms, … Cons Access to the historical data requires subscription fee (~$30/month) Contains bogus data from automated searches

9 Keyword Popularity – According to KeywordDiscovery

10 Google AdWords Keyword Tool
Pros Free! (Must have an AdWords account though) Data is from a large sample of Internet searches (from Google) Singular vs plural, misspellings, verb tenses all separated out Can segment by country Synonyms Cons No hard numbers Augment this tool with other free Google tools: Google Suggest ( Google Trends (

11 Keyword Popularity – According to Google AdWords Keyword Tool

12 Keyword Popularity – According to Google AdWords Keyword Tool

13 Keyword Popularity – According to Google Trends

14 Keyword Popularity – According to Google Suggest

15 How To Factor in Competitiveness When Looking at Keywords?
Competition for that keyword should also be considered Calculate KEI Score (Keyword Effectiveness Indicator) = ratio of searches over number of pages in search results The higher the KEI Score, the more attractive the keyword is to target (assuming it’s relevant to your business)

16 Secret #2: How to Make Your Pages “Sing”
Each web page should have a unique keyword focus (i.e. every page has a “song”) The higher up in the HTML on the page, the more weight the keyword is given Have at least words per page Title tag is most important element on the page Home page is the most important page

17 Secret #2: How to Make Your Pages “Sing”
Heading tags (H1, H2) Contextual links Text links much better than graphic links Alt tags may be mildly helpful, for images that are links Meta tags don’t improve rankings Meta description can influence what’s displayed in the search results

18 Secret #2: How to Make Your Pages “Sing”
Remember, you’re writing for humans & search engines equally You still have to be compelling, interesting (voice/personality), succinct, relevant (WII-FM) and reader focused (“you” vs. “we”) Anything you’d be embarrassed to show your customers or a Google rep should not be fed to the search engines!

19 Pretty good title

20 Not so good title – where’s the phrase “credit card”?

21 Good link text and body copy

22 Good link text and body copy

23 No link text or body copy

24 No link text or body copy

25 Take a peek under the hood

26 The “meta tags”

27 Unnecessarily bloated HTML

28 Secret #3: How to Build Links, Strengthen PageRank
Inbound links play a key role in determining rankings It’s not just about quantity (“link popularity”); it’s about quality (importance of the page, topically relevant/authoritative) PageRank™ – Google’s algorithm for measuring a page’s importance; Yahoo & MSN have similar measures Each web page (not site) has its own PageRank score PageRank scores from 0 to 10; logarithmic scale

29 Secret #3: How to Build Links, Strengthen PageRank
Check your link popularity at Check your PageRank with the Google Toolbar (download it from And/or check your home page’s PageRank using the Google Directory ( Listings are ranked in order of PageRank

30 Google’s Toolbar – with handy PageRank Meter

31 Google Directory – listings are organized by PageRank

32 Secret #3: How to Build Links, Strengthen PageRank
Find link targets Review links of competitive sites, sites in your keyword market Again, use the Link Checker tool at Yahoo’s linkdomain: query operator & Yahoo Site Explorer tool Run a link: query on Check sites with high rankings for relevant keywords The fewer the number of links on their page, the better Offer link-worthy content. Keep it fresh. Consider providing an RSS feed

33 Conduct any Google query and get results organized by PageRank

34 Secret #3: How to Build Links, Strengthen PageRank
Try to get good keywords in the hyperlink text Types of links that are likely to get discounted: Reciprocal links Affiliated sites (on the same IP range or hostname) Footer links (at the bottom of the page) Site-wide links Don’t participate in “link farms” or FFA (“Free For All”) sites Hallmarks of a link farm = more urls per page & less organization Don’t link to “bad neighborhoods”

35 Secret #3: How to Build Links, Strengthen PageRank
Sites with higher PageRank get crawled earlier, faster, and deeper by Googlebot “Google Bombing” Inbound contextual links alone can drive a site to the top of Google (e.g. “miserable failure”) Also works on Yahoo, Live Search, etc.

36 Secret #4: How to Rejig Your Internal Linking Structure
It’s not just about inbound links; internal links matter too Your home page’s PageRank gets distributed to your deep pages by virtue of your hierarchical internal linking structure Links are the currency of the Web as far as search engines are concerned; spend it wisely w/in your site Site hierarchy (tree structure) Breadcrumb navigation Site map

37 Dynamic Sites Can Kill Your Internal PageRank “Flow”
The issue lies with “spider traps” Avoid stop characters (?, &, =), complex URLs Session IDs are death to search visibility Options Recode your site to not pass “query strings” URL rewriting (using a server module/plug-in) Remote-hosted “proxy serving” (e.g. GravityStream)

38 Search engine spiders turn their noses up at such URLs

39 Googlebot got caught in a “spider trap”

40 Duplicate pages

41 Avoid PageRank Dilution
Careful about having multiple URLs serving up the same content Multiple homes for your content Multiple domains registered and resolving to your site vs. version of your site Session IDs or User IDs in the URL 301 redirect them all to the definitive version of the page Removed pages 301 redirect rather than 404

42 Avoid PageRank Dilution
Example of multiple homes for the same content: Laura Ries’ blog

43 Optimize PageRank Flow
Link gain dissipates due to Dynamic URLs Session IDs or User IDs in the URL Superfluous flags in the URL Link gain is typically blocked by Links based in JavaScript, Java, or Flash Overly complex URLs (e.g. 7 parameters in the query string) Forms (including pulldown lists) Temporary (302) redirects

44 Optimize PageRank Flow
Manage the flow using “nofollow” on unimportant links <a href=“/privacy-policy.htm” rel=“nofollow”> Does it flow? Tools to check Poodle Predictor ( Server Header Checker SEOChat’s PageRank Lookup Do a “site:” search on SEOChat’s PageRank Search

45 Server Header Checker

46 Secret #5: How to Influence the Click Decision
Zipf’s Law applies - you need to be at the top of page 1 of the search results. It’s an implied endorsement. Synergistic effect of being at the top of the natural results & paid results Entice the user with a compelling call-to-action and value proposition in your descriptions Your title tag is critical Snippet gets built automatically, but you CAN influence what’s displayed here

47 Where do searchers look? (Enquiro, Did-it, Eyetools Study)

48 Search listings – 1 good, 1 lousy

49 Secret #5: How to Influence the Click Decision
You may be #1 for some but not others… Search results are tailored to the user Google Search History, geolocation, etc. Vertical search results offers multiple paths to visibility Google Base, Google Co-Op, Google Blog Search, Google Maps (Local),… This also has translated into visibility in the “onebox” Google’s new “Universal Search” results

50 Google’s “Onebox”

51 Secret #6: How to Check Your “Pulse” and Benchmark
Number of pages indexed ( Google PageRank Link popularity Alexa ranking ( Positions in the search results for important keywords What keywords are they targeting? (check their metatags)










61 Secret #6: How to Check Your “Pulse” and Benchmark
Measure what’s important to your bottom line Not “hits” or even unique visitors Number of orders delivered by search engines Sales volume delivered by search engines Profit delivered by search engines Conversion rate Cost per conversion, Cost per lead ROI

62 ROI – Sales by keyword

63 ROI – Sales by referrer

64 Secret #6: How to Check Your “Pulse” and Benchmark
Advanced metrics that most analytics packages don’t measure: Page yield Keyword yield (keywords per page) Spidering behavior More metrics at

65 Secret #7: How to Avoid SEO “Worst Practices”
Target relevant keywords Don’t stuff keywords or replicate pages Create deep, useful content Don't conceal, manipulate, or over-optimize content Links should be relevant (no scheming!) Observe copyright/trademark law & Google’s guidelines

66 Spamming in Its Many Forms…
Hidden or small text Keyword stuffing Targeted to obviously irrelevant keywords Automated submitting, resubmitting, deep submitting Competitor names in meta tags Duplicate pages with minimal or no changes Spamglish Machine generated content

67 Spamming in Its Many Forms…
Pagejacking Doorway pages Cloaking Submitting to FFA (“Free For All”) sites & link farms Buying up expired domains with high PageRanks Scraping Splogging (spam blogging)

68 hosted many “doorway pages” like this one

69 “Sneaky redirect” sent searchers to this page

70 Doorway page spam

71 Doorway page spam

72 Keyword stuffing

73 Keyword stuffing in the “meta tags” too

74 Not Spam, But Bad for Rankings
Splash pages, content-less home page, Flash intros Title tags the same across the site Error pages in the search results (eg “Session expired”) "Click here" links Superfluous text like “Welcome to” at beginning of titles Spreading site across multiple domains (usually for load balancing) Content too many levels deep

75 Case Study:
What worked Comprehensive SEO & usability audit Intensive on-site training sessions with their IT and marketing teams 6 months of support What didn’t work No significant changes to the look of the home page were allowed for political reasons, significantly reducing the options available

76 Case Study:
Results Within 8 weeks of launch of some preliminary optimization work, on page 1 for “website hosting” in Google With our audit as a blueprint, later that year launched an internally built site redesign which landed them the #1 Google position for “website hosting” Consistently held #1 position for 2 years! Still on page 1





81 SEO Tools For keyword research WordTracker KeywordDiscovery
Overture Keyword Selector Google Suggest Google Trends Google AdWords Keyword Tool Googspy SEOSleuth

82 SEO Tools For link analysis and PageRank TouchGraph Live PageRank
WebmasterEyes Google Toolbar Google Directory SEO for Firefox SEOpen Page Strength Tool Netconcepts Link Checker PageRank Lookup PageRank Search Neat-o SEO-Links Google Webmaster Central Thumbshots Ranking

83 SEO Tools Miscellaneous User Agent Switcher SwitchProxy Scrutinizer
Copyscape Poodle Predictor Xenu Link Sleuth Robot Replay CrazyEgg What’s That Site Running Wayback Machine

84 SEO Tools For indexation checking Other reporting
Yahoo Site Explorer Netconcepts URL Checker Netconcepts Product Page Checker Other reporting Alexa DigitalPoint Keyword Rankings Urltrends Hitwise ($$) List and links at &

85 Further Reading

86 Q&A! For an ebook on Google power searching, SEO checklists & worksheets, and audio recording, executive summary & transcript of an SEO thought leaders teleconference, and this Powerpoint, give me your business card Any questions come to you later, contact me:

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