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Earth’s Oceans.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Oceans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Oceans

2 Why are ocean’s important to us?
Food Minerals Transportation Weather and Climate

3 Facts Approximately 70% of the Earth’s Surface is ocean water.
Gasses ocean water contains: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and Nitrogen. Nitrogen gas is found in the ocean, the only important source is found in the atmosphere.

4 Facts Nitrate-bacteria combines with nitrogen and oxygen. (Good for plant growth) Some animals use dissolved calcium to make bones and others use it to form shells.

5 Salts Ocean water contains many dissolved salts including: Chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Salinity- The amount of salt dissolved in seawater. The ocean is on average 3.5% salt.

6 Salts Desalination- The process of removing salt from ocean water
When seawater is evaporated, the ions sodium and chloride bond to make halite. (table salt) This video is downloaded from login: jrussdcms password: jrussdcms

7 Currents Surface currents-move water horizontally parallel to the Earth’s surface (controls upper few hundred meters). Coriolis Effect- The shifting of winds and surface currents from their expected paths caused by the Earth’s rotation.

8 Currents Upwelling- The circulation in the ocean that brings deep cold water to the ocean surface (benefits plankton growth by bringing nutrients up from the ocean floor)

9 Currents Density Currents- Forms when a mass of seawater becomes more dense than the surrounding water.

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