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A Serious Mental Disorder

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1 A Serious Mental Disorder
Eating Disorders A Serious Mental Disorder

2 Body Image How you see and feel about your appearance and how comfortable you are with your body

3 Media In the United States today, the clothing styles and fashion models on tv and in magazines suggest that thin is in and a perfectly toned body is best The men and women on magazine covers represent 1% of Americans

4 You should have realistic expectations about your size that are based on heredity and should realize that weight and body shape can change frequently and rapidly in teens

5 Factors Contributing to Eating Disorders
Genetics Culture Personality Emotions Family

6 Eating Disorders… Most common in athletes in sports that require you to be thin or who have to make weight Overachievers Perfectionists Teens with stressful family lives

7 Bingeing Purging Eating of a large amount of food in one sitting Behavior that involves vomiting or using laxatives to rid the body of food

8 An obsession with being thin that leads to extreme weight loss
Anorexia Nervosa An obsession with being thin that leads to extreme weight loss Treatment: medical, psychological and nutritional therapy and family counseling

9 Symptoms of Anorexia Intense fear of weight Overexercising
Preferring to eat alone Extreme weight loss Loss of period for at least 3 months Hair loss on head

10 Bulimia Nervosa A disorder that involves frequent episodes of binge eating that are almost always followed by vomiting or using laxatives, fasting or over exercising

11 Bulimia Treatment: therapy to separate eating from emotions and to promote eating in response to hunger Also, nutritional counseling to review nutrient needs

12 Symptoms of Bulimia Preoccupation with weight Bingeing with or without purging Bloodshot eyes and sore throat Dental problems Feeling out of control Irregular periods

13 Binge Eating Disorder Involves frequent binge eating but no purging Frequently underdiagnosed Treatment: psychological and nutritional counseling

14 Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder
Above normal body weight Bingeing episodes accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and loss of control

15 People at Risk of Eating Disorders (Warning Signs)
Preferring to eat alone Thinking about food often Weighing yourself often Eating a lot of “diet” foods Constantly counting calories

16 Help for Eating Disorders
Physicians, psychologists, and nutritionists is essential to manage and recover from eating disorders Encourage your friends to seek help from an adult

17 Eating Disorder Helpline
ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) Or them with questions at:

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