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Presentation on theme: "FINAL- CLICKER REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 How does a molecule of water form?
Hydrogen bonds between H and O Covalent bonds between H and O Shared electrons between H and O All of the above B & C

3 A nonpolar molecule Shares electrons equally to form a covalent bond
Does not share electrons equally to form a covalent bond Shares electrons equally to form an ionic bond Does not share electrons equally to form an ionic bond

4 In a hydrolysis reaction
a water molecule is used to break a covalent bond. a water molecule is used to break an ionic bond. a water molecule is formed in order to create a covalent bond. a water molecule is formed in order to create an ionic bond.

5 Which type of organic macromolecule is this?
Protein Lipid Nucleic acid Carbohydrate

6 What type of molecule is this?
Cholesterol Protein chain Fatty acid chain DNA backbone Glycerol

7 What type of molecule is this?
Lipid Starch Phospholipid A & C None of the above

8 How is secondary protein structure different than tertiary protein structure?
Secondary structure results from hydrogen bonding between R groups whereas tertiary structure results from covalent bonding between R groups Secondary structure results from hydrogen bonding between backbones whereas tertiary structure results from covalent bonding between R groups Secondary structure results from hydrogen bonding between backbones whereas tertiary structure results from R group interactions

9 How do enzymes increase the rate of a reaction?
They provide the energy needed to break/form covalent bonds. They lower the activation energy needed for the reaction to occur. They are the substrate upon which a reaction can occur. They change the temperature of the environment to a more favorable one for the reaction.

10 What type of model does the diagram depict in regards to modeling enzyme reactions?
Lock & Key Induced Fit Active site inducer Noncompetitive active site

11 What type of inhibition is this?
Competitive inhibition Noncompetitive inhibition Allosteric inhibition Interference inhibition

12 What is the name of this bond?
Phosphodiester Ester Peptide Glycosidic linkage

13 What enzyme makes rRNA? RNA polymerase DNA polymerase
Reverse transcriptase Primase

14 What cellular organelle assembles rRNA with proteins to make a ribosome?
Peroxisome Nucleolus Nucleus Smooth ER Lysosome

15 Which of the following organelles is NOT shared by prokaryotes & eukaryotes?
Plasma membrane Ribosomes Cell wall Nucleus Mitochondria D & E C, D, & E

16 Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus Lysosome
If a protein is being exported out of the cell, what organelle packages it into a vesicle right before it is exported? Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus Lysosome

17 Ribosomes Mitochondria Nuclei Vacuoles
Immune system cells called B-cells make a lot of antibodies when they are activated. What organelle would you expect to find in large numbers? Ribosomes Mitochondria Nuclei Vacuoles

18 Lysosome: break down nonfunctioning organelles
Which of the following cellular organelles is paired with an incorrect function? Lysosome: break down nonfunctioning organelles Smooth ER: synthesize phospholipids Chloroplast: synthesize simple carbohydrates Mitochondria: use oxygen to hydrolyze ATP Nucleus: regulates cellular activity

19 Which of the following types of transport is paired with an incorrect definition?
Active transport: uses ATP to concentrate molecules on one side of a membrane Exocytosis: uses ATP to bring a substance into the cell Facilitated diffusion: uses a protein to move a substance across a membrane down its gradient Osmosis: water moves across a membrane down its gradient Diffusion: substance moves across a membrane down its gradient

20 In which direction will there be a net movement of water?
To the right To the left No net movement of water

21 This animal cell is in what type of osmotic environment?
Hypotonic Hypertonic Isotonic

22 This plant cell is in what type of osmotic environment?
Hypotonic Hypertonic Isotonic

23 How many chromatids are there in the diagram below?
2 4 8

24 What phase of mitosis is this?
Prophase II Metaphase Telophase Anaphase Prometaphase

25 Which of these cells are in metaphase I of meiosis?

26 What is the name of the indicated structure (green lines)?
Centromere Spindle Kinetochore Centrosome

27 Excited electrons from the Light Harvesting Complex (pigments) are passed from molecule to molecule until they reach what? The reaction center The ETC NADP+ reductase carotenoids

28 Where are the photosystems located?
stroma Thylakoid space Thylakoid membrane Intermembrane space

29 What is the difference in energy produced between cyclic and noncyclic energy flow?
In cyclic energy flow, only ATP is made In noncyclic energy flow, ATP & NADPH are made Cyclic electron flow produces more energy than noncyclic energy flow Both A and B All of the above are true

30 In photosynthesis, before ATP is generated, where is the H+ concentration greatest?
Thylakoid space/ lumen Intermembrane space Stroma cytoplasm

31 In photosynthesis, what molecule does oxygen originate from?
Carbon dioxide Chlorophyll a Water Glucose

32 What happens in the Reduction phase of the Calvin Cycle?
A 3-C sugar (GP) is phosphorylated and reduced 5 molecules of G3P are regeneration into RuBP using 3 ATP Inorganic carbon dioxide becomes part of an organic molecule None of the above

33 Where does carbon dioxide come from in cellular respiration?
The ETC Glycolysis Link Reaction Krebs Cycle Both C & D B, C, & D

34 In cellular respiration, where are 2 ATP made through substrate level phosphorylation?
Krebs cycle Link reaction Glycolysis ETC A and C A, B, & C B & C

35 Where in the cell does the Kreb’s cycle take place?
Cristae Inner membrane Intermembrane Mitochondrial matrix

36 In cellular respiration, when H+ ions are pumped across through ETC protein channels, where are they more concentrated? Intermembrane space Matrix Cytoplasm None of the above

37 In the Kreb’s cycle, acetyl-CoA binds to a molecule that will be regenerated by the end of the cycle. What is the name of that molecule? Rubisco Acetyl-CoA RuBP Oxaloacetate

38 If a molecule has been oxidized, what does that mean?
It has taken electrons It has given electrons It has been reduced Both A and C

39 What is the end product of alcoholic fermentation?
Methanol Ethanol+ CO2 Acetylaldehyde Lactic acid + CO2

40 If an organism has 24% adenine (A) nucleotides, what percent of guanine (G) would you expect to find? 24% 26% 48% 52% None of the above

41 Which of the following DNA replication enzymes is incorrectly paired with its function?
Primase: makes an RNA nucleotide primer DNA polymerase I: elongates a DNA daughter strand Helicase: unwinds DNA DNA ligase: creates a phosphodiester bond

42 The overall appearance of DNA synthesis moving in the 3’ to 5’ direction occurs with
The lagging strand The leading strand Okazaki fragments Both A & C Both B & C

43 What is the name of what is circled?
mRNA binding site Amino acid binding site Anticodon Codon

44 An mRNA codon with the sequence ACU would complementary pair with what tRNA sequence?
TGA UGT UGA None of the above

45 A DNA sequence of CAC codes for what amino acid?
Histidine Valine Glutamic acid None of the above

46 What is the diploid number of this cell?
2 3 6 12

47 How many chromosomes will one cell have in Anaphase II?
3 6 12 24

48 How many alleles does a man have for a gene that is found on an autosome?
1 2 4

49 What process is illustrated and when does it occur?
Kinetochore attachment: prophase I Recombination: fertilization Crossing over: prophase I Recombination: prometaphase

50 Which of the following is a testcross?
AaBb x AaBb AaBB x aaBB aabb x aabb AaBb x aabb

51 What is the phenotypic ratio of the following cross? Aa x Aa
3 Aa: 1 Aa 1AA: 2Aa: 1aa 3 black: 1 white 1 black: 2 lethal/dead: 1 white

52 IBIB rr  B- IBi Rr  B+ ii Rr  O- IAIB Rr  AB+
Which of the following genotypes is incorrectly paired with its phenotype? (R: Rh + / r: Rh-) IBIB rr  B- IBi Rr  B+ ii Rr  O- IAIB Rr  AB+

53 Which chromosome is absolutely necessary for an embryos survival?
Autosome Y Sex chromosome Y Sex chromosome X All of the above

54 Which of the following inheritance patterns is incorrectly paired with its definition?
Autosomal recessive: organism needs 2 alleles to show phenotype Pleiotropy: several genes encode information for 1 phenotype Epistasis: 1 gene can suppress effect/product of another gene Sex-linked recessive: women need 2 alleles and men need 1 allele to show phenotype

55 What is the function of PCR?
Increase the amount of specific DNA regions Identify an individuals genotype Provide a DNA fingerprint Test for paternity All of the above

56 Why do DNA fragments move in gel electrophoresis?
They are small They are nonpolar They have a negative charge They are ionic

57 What is the function of restriction enzymes in biotechnology?
Anneal to DNA Splice DNA Elongate DNA Seal DNA

58 Which of the following is an example of sympatric speciation?
A polyploidy plant A diploid plant 2 species of squirrel separated by the Grand Canyon A & C

59 Which of the following is NOT a condition of Hardy-Weinberg?
Small population No mutation Random mating No gene flow No natural selection

60 A disease is inherited recessively
A disease is inherited recessively. If the frequency of the A allele in a population is 0.4, what would be the frequency of inheriting the disease? 40% 16% 60% 36%

61 What was the result of Miller & Urey’s experiment?
Protobionts were seen The atmosphere became an oxidizing one Enzymes were synthesized Amino acids were synthesized

62 What is convergent evolution?
Evolution of similar phenotype in very distantly related lineages Evolution of similar phenotype in closely related lineages Accumulation of differences between groups which may lead to speciation Convergent evolution is synonymous with adaptive radiation.

63 A change in allele frequency would be most likely in which situation?
When an ecosystem is stable After a massive hurricane If a region goes through a severe drought All of the above B & C


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