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Alcoholic cirrhosis and acute alcoholic fatty liver with cholestasis

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1 Alcoholic cirrhosis and acute alcoholic fatty liver with cholestasis
Chapter 3 Fatty Liver Diseases 1 Alcoholic cirrhosis and acute alcoholic fatty liver with cholestasis Case 3.13

2 Clinical Presentation
3 Fatty Liver Diseases 2 Clinical Presentation A 46-year-old woman with a history of chronic alcohol intake and hypothyroidism presented with symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Physical exam revealed jaundice, palmar erythema, spider angioma, and telangiectasia formation over her face. Ultrasound showed a fatty liver with cirrhosis.

3 Laboratory Values Course in Hospital Total Protein: 5.4 AST: 83
Fatty Liver Diseases 3 Laboratory Values AST: 83 ALT: 27 Alk Phos: 120 Total Bilirubin: 8.9 Total Protein: 5.4 Albumin: 3.1 AFP 4.7 Serologies: HIV, HBsAg, anti-HCV: Negative Course in Hospital Concerns for the possibility of alcoholic hepatitis due to the liver test abnormalities and worsening INR necessitated liver biopsy for confirmation before potential treatment.

4 Pathology A well-established micronodular cirrhosis was present (a).
3 Fatty Liver Diseases 4 Pathology A well-established micronodular cirrhosis was present (a). Diffuse 4+ macrovesicular steatosis and cholestasis (arrows) were present (a, b). There was no evidence of liver cell ballooning, Mallory-Denk body formation, or lobular inflammation, with sinusoidal collagen deposition minimal to absent. Figure 3.13(a) Figure 3.13(b)

5 3 Fatty Liver Diseases 5 Diagnosis Alcoholic cirrhosis and acute alcoholic fatty liver with cholestasis

6 3 Fatty Liver Diseases 6 Comment Although the aminotransferases were under 100 IU/L, the mildly abnormal AST with normal ALT, maintaining the AST:ALT ratio of >2:1 for alcoholic hepatitis, was still present. The presence of diffuse steatosis without the characteristic changes of alcoholic hepatitis (liver cell ballooning, sinusoidal collagen deposition, Mallory-Denk bodies, lobular inflammation with neutrophils) is an infrequent variant of acute alcoholic liver disease (acute alcoholic fatty liver, AAFL), with the overall outcome more favorable compared to alcoholic hepatitis.

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