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Resolution Amendment Writing

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1 Resolution Amendment Writing
Geoffrey Dyer, Area A Representative Sam Foster, Area D Representative Faculty Leadership Institute, June 15, 2018, Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina

2 Overview Amendments in the Resolutions Process Nuts and Bolts
Your Turn…Write an Amendment!

3 Amendments Timeline & Process
For plenaries, amendments can be submitted at pre-session area meetings and up until posted deadline on second day of plenary. Today, mock amendments must be submitted electronically by 6:00pm to Amendment signature page with four signatures required. We will work during this session on mock amendments, and you can also submit them during your area meeting subsequent.

4 Resolutions & Amendments Timeline

5 Nuts and Bolts Amendments:
Added to help clarify intent and/or expand scope Use underscores and strikethroughs, not track changes Review the title after adding an amendment, and amend if necessary Make sure amendments don’t result in inconsistencies within a resolution or reverse the intent of the resolution (better to vote the resolution down if it reverses intent) If an amendment to a Resolved changes the intent, changes to Whereas statements may be needed. Include contacts for each amendment

6 Nuts and Bolts You can: Amend a resolved or whereas Add a resolved or whereas Strike a resolved or whereas More… All resolutions and amendments are to be submitted electronically to Signature pages are to be submitted during session to the Resolutions Committee Chair

7 Nuts and Bolts Format: No more than four “whereas” and four “resolved” statements: Sample Amend Resolution 3.14 Amend the first whereas: Whereas, Blah, blah de dah blip; and Add a second resolved: Resolved, that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges… Contact: Qwerty Tipe, Kee Bord College

8 A Real Example

9 Add a Resolved or Whereas . . .
“Resolved”s need to be able to stand on their own, to ensure the resolution will be effective in the event that “Resolved”s are divided from floor and one or more voted down

10 Nuts and Bolts Must check the following: Duplication of Position
Reversal of Position Clarity, Readability, Understanding, Intent Senate Purview

11 WiFi info: Sheraton-Meeting code: asccc2018
Your Turn… Write an Amendment with colleagues to any of the mock resolutions in today’s packet… Amendments are due: Today, June 15, 6:00 pm! Mock Plenary Session: Saturday, June 16, 10:15 am! Amendments to Submit Amendment signature page with signatures of four attendees to Resolutions Chair WiFi info: Sheraton-Meeting code: asccc2018

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