Distemper: A viral disease (similar to the human measles virus) that attacks the central nervous system and upper respiratory system. Transmission Symptoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Distemper: A viral disease (similar to the human measles virus) that attacks the central nervous system and upper respiratory system. Transmission Symptoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distemper: A viral disease (similar to the human measles virus) that attacks the central nervous system and upper respiratory system. Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Canine

2 Hepatitis: A viral disease that lives in the lymph nodes and spreads to the liver
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Canine

3 Leptospirosis: Bacterial disease that attacks the kidney, muscles, and liver
Transmission Treatment Prognosis Zoonotic potential Diseases Canine

4 Parainfluenza: A virus that attacks the upper respiratory system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Canine

5 Parvovirus: A virus that attacks the intestinal lining typically in puppies
Transmission Symptoms Dobermans, Rottweilers, English Springer Spaniels are at a higher risk Treatment Prognosis Diseases Canine

6 Coronavirus: A virus that attacks the intestinal lining of puppies
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Canine

7 Bordatella: A bacteria that attacks the upper respiratory system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Canine

8 Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorfei): A bacteria disease found in the northeastern, north central and west coast of the US Transmission Symptoms Treatment Diseases Canine

9 A virus that attacks the central nervous system
A virus that attacks the central nervous system. Transmission: Incubation period a. Dogs 3-8 weeks b. Cats 2-6 weeks c. Horses 2-3 weeks d. Humans 3-6 weeks Symptoms – divided into phases a. Prodormal b. Furious c. Paralytic Diagnosis Treatment: Zoonotic Diseases Rabies

10 Rhinotracheitis (Feline herpesvirus -1): A virus that attacks the upper respiratory system especially in kittens Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Feline

11 Calicivirus: A virus that attacks the upper respiratory system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Feline

12 Panleukopenia: A virus that attacks the lymph nodes and internal organs
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Feline

13 Chlamydia psittaci: A virus that causes persistent conjunctivitis
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Feline

14 Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP): A virus that attacks the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. Attacks cats less than 3 years old or older than 10 years of age. Common in catteries. Transmission: ingestion, fomites, air; not commonly spread horizontally Symptoms: 3 forms of the disease a. Wet form b. Dry form c. Combo form Treatment Diseases Feline

15 Feline Leukemia (FeLv, Feleuk): A virus that attacks the lymph nodes and lowers the immune system to allow secondary diseases to penetrate. Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Feline

16 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): A virus that attacks the immune system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Feline

17 Tetanus: A bacteria that attacks the central nervous system, muscles, and joints.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

18 Equine Encephalomyelitis (Sleeping Sickness): A virus that attacks the central nervous system. Several strains of the disease – Western (WEE), Eastern (EEE), Venezuelan (VEE) Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

19 Influenza: A virus that attacks the upper respiratory system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

20 West Nile: A virus that attacks the central nervous system causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Fastest growing health threat to horses in the US. Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

21 Potomac Horse Fever: A bacteria (rickettsial) that attacks the gastrointestinal system.
Transmission: Symptoms Treatment Prognosis: guarded Diseases Equine

22 Rhinopneumonitis: A herpesvirus that attacks the upper respiratory system.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

23 Strangles: A bacteria that attacks the mandibular lymph nodes.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

24 Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA): A virus that causes respiratory symptoms and abortions.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Equine

25 Clostridium diseases: Bacteria commonly found in the soil and environment.
Chauvei (Black leg) Sordellii (gas gangrene) Haemolyticum (Redwater) Novyi (Black disease – necrotic hepatitis) Perfringens (Enterotoxemia- dysentery, overeating disease) Septicum (Malignant edema) Tetanus Botulism Diseases Bovine

26 Bovine Viral Diarrhea: A virus that attacks the gastrointestinal area and upper respiratory system.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Bovine

27 Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR): A virus that attacks the upper respiratory system.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Bovine

28 Parainfluenza (Shipping Fever): A virus that attacks the upper respiratory system.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Bovine

29 Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus: A virus that attacks the lower respiratory system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Bovine

30 Brucellosis (BANGS): A bacteria that attacks the reproductive system in animals
Transmission: sexual Symptoms Treatment Zoonotic Diseases Bovine

31 Clostridium perfringens type C, D Tetanus
Diseases Llama Alpaca

32 Clostridium perfringens type C, D Tetanus
Diseases Ovine Caprine

33 Diseases Ovine Caprine
Blue Tongue: A virus that attacks the oral cavity Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Ovine Caprine

34 Diseases Porcine Erysipelothrix (Diamond Skin Disease) Transmission
Symptoms Treatment Zoonotic potential with direct contact Diseases Porcine

35 Diseases Porcine Erysipelothrix (Diamond Skin Disease) Transmission
Symptoms Treatment Zoonotic potential Diseases Porcine

36 Leptospirosis (Icterohaemorrhagiae): A bacteria that attacks the kidney and reproductive system.
Transmission Symptoms Treatment lesions in the kidney Prognosis Canicola fever in humans Diseases Porcine

37 Parvo: A virus that multiplies in the intestines but causes abortions in females.
Otherwise no other symptoms Mycoplasma Hyopneumonia: A bacteria that attacks the respiratory system. Transmission Symptoms Treatment Mycoplasma lungs Normal lungs Diseases Porcine

38 Pseudorabies: A virus that attacks the central nervous system.
Transmission Symptoms Prognosis Diseases Porcine

39 Distemper: A virus that attacks the central nervous system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Rabies Diseases Ferret

40 Polyoma: A virus that attacks the body as a whole
Polyoma: A virus that attacks the body as a whole. Commonly seen in Budgies and Lovebirds. Transmission Symptoms Treatment Prognosis Diseases Avian

41 Pacheco’s Disease: A herpes virus that attacks the central nervous system
Transmission Symptoms Treatment Diseases Avian

42 Newcastles Disease (Paramyxovirus) A virus that attack the respiratory system and central nervous system. Commonly seen in poultry Transmission Symptoms Treatment Zoonotic potential Diseases Avian

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