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4th largest continent in the world

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1 4th largest continent in the world
South America 4th largest continent in the world

2 Mountains 1. Andes – extend 4,000 miles along South America’s pacific coast world’s longest unbroken mountain chain in world 2. Brazilian Highlands- Mountains up to 5,000 ft. high located in northern part of Brazil and into Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, densely forested 3. Guiana Highlands- high mountains from Brazil’s Atlantic coast leveling off into high plateaus to the west, highest point Pico de Baniera 9462, rich in mines, coffee plantations and cattle ranches

3 Rivers Amazon River - 4,000 miles, Andes Mountains, Peru- 2nd longest river in world; drains into Atlantic Parana River -2nd largest river in Latin America Rio de la Plata-provides transportation to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay and Uruguay-empty into the Atlantic

4 Lakes Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela
Lake Titicaca – Bolivia and Peru is world’s highest large lake

5 Land Regions 1. Patagonia – Southern Argentina from Atlantic Ocean to Andes Mountains , a land of low plains, valleys, glaciers, plateaus and hills, little rain, good fro grazing sheep and cattle 2. Pampas – range from grasslands to little vegetation, about 250,000 miles in east central Argentina, one of the world’s greatest agricultural regions for grains and beef, home to many rodents 3. Chaco – lowland region of Paraguay and northern Argentina and southeastern Bolivia

6 Land Regions 4. Atacama Desert – coastal desert in northern Chile and southern Peru, rich in gold, nitrate and copper, one of the driest places in the world, no rain 5. Amazon Basin – vast tropical forest stretching hundreds of miles N and S of east flowing Amazon River

7 South America Andes are the world’s longest mountain chain and 2nd tallest mountain range (after Himalayas) they extend from Caribbean to Cape Horn Mt Aconcagua is the tallest point at nearly 40 Andean peaks

8 Amazon Rainforest The rain forest (selva) is the world’s largest rainforest and is being destroyed (logging, ranching, slash and burn agriculture) Primarily in Brazil but includes Peru to French Guinea Covers 1/3 of South America Rain throughout the year

9 Amazon Rainforest Amazon Rainforest Textbook page 230-231
Write advantages of the Amazon Rainforest Write a paragraph of what is harming the existence of the rainforest

10 Natural Resources Venezuela holds most of the regions oil
Venezuela is known for gold Peru is known for silver Columbia – mines of emeralds Chile – largest exporter of copper

11 Brazil ½ population lives in Brazil
Capital Brasilia made capital used to be Rio de Janeiro largest city in Brazil is San Paulo Language – Portuguese Most live in slums / favelas above

12 Brazil Coffee is #1 export, produces 25% world’s coffee
Christ the Redeemer Statue 1931 in Rio 60% Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil, being depleted 4% a year due to logging, ranching, and slash and burn agriculture Climate – tropical Federal republic 70% Roman Catholic

13 Venezuela Caracas was founded in 1567. – Capital
Ranchitos – small shacks, 1/3 population live in ranchitos Llanos – wide tropical grassland or savanna in Venezuela Angel Falls – world’s highest water fall in Venezuela Economy – OIL in the llanos

14 Ecuador . Most are subsistence farmers, ¼ are Indian descent and speak Quechua, ½ are mestizos The official currency in Ecuador is the U.S dollar since 2001. The capital of Ecuador is Quito which has the second highest population in the country.

15 Galapagos Islands & Ecuador
The Galapagos Islands belongs to Ecuador Mount Chimborazo  is the highest mountain in Ecuador. And because the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but bulges at the Equator, the peak of Chimborazo is also the furthest point from the center of the Earth and the closest to the sun. Ecuador exports more bananas than any other country in the world

16 Peru Peru was once part of the great Incan Empire and later the major vice-royalty of Spanish South America. It was conquered in 1531–1533 by Francisco Pizarro. 45% are Indians who speak Quechua, subsistence farmers (farm for own family), or llama herders.

17 Peru Cusco in Peru was the most important city in the whole of the Inca Empire, and governed as far north as Quito in Ecuador and as far south as Santiago in Chile – capital of Inca Empire The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu was lost to the Amazon Jungle for hundreds of years, until it was re-discovered by Hiram Bingham the American explorer. (ancient ruins, best archaeological site)

18 Inca Empire in Andes mountains
Skilled engineers, built temples, roads, terrace farming,, irrigation systems Quipus – used for financial and historical records Used silver and gold Defeated by Spanish- (Pizarro)

19 Bolivia - landlocked The largest deposit of salt on the planet is also found in Bolivia. . Bolivia is home to the two highest cities in the world. Potosí is the highest, and La Paz is the second highest. Capital – La Paz Lake Titicaca-largest navigable lake borders Bolivia and Peru What other country is landlocked????????????

20 Colombia Named after Columbus Bogota – capital One crop is coffee
Only country to border Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean

21 Argentina Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina
Argentina is different from most other countries in South America because it is mainly dominated by a large middle class that is heavily influenced by European culture as 97% of its population is European- most of whom are of Spanish and Italian descent. ruled by dictators – Juan Peron was best known developed industry and distributed wealth – wife Eva (Musical-Evita) hero to the poor

22 Argentina Iguazu Falls – 275 waterfalls in the heart of the rainforest, they border Argentina and Brazil Ranked the 2nd largest waterfalls Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church in March 2013, becoming Pope Francis. He is the first pope from the Americas. Pope Francis was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on December 17, 1936

23 3 Guineas Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana are known as Guiana’s that share tropical wet climate, rainforests, & Atlantic Ocean Guyana - speak English (English colony), Dutch in Suriname (Netherlands colony), French in French Guiana (Colony of France) 30% are mulattoes (African and other ancestry) Economy – fishing for all 3 countries above

24 Tierra del Fuego Tierra del Fuego, archipelago, at the southern extremity of South America which are separated from the mainland by the Straits of Magellan Straight of Magellan the strait separating South America from Tierra del Fuego and other islands to the south of the continent; discovered by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520; an important route around South America before the Panama Canal was built

25 Falkland Islands and South Georgia
The Falkland Islands are an archipelago located in the South Atlantic Ocean on the Patagonian Shel. Owned by UK main language is English South Georgia - British overseas territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean.

26 Simon Bolivar & Jose de San Martin
Bolivar known as the “Liberator” Both helped in freeing much of South America from Spanish rule Bolivia named after Bolivar

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