Américo Paredes George Washington Gómez ( )

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Presentation on theme: "Américo Paredes George Washington Gómez ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Américo Paredes George Washington Gómez (1935-40)
Ramón Saldívar English 126 Twentieth Century American Fictions

2 Paredes, George Washington Gómez
“Always Historicize!” Frederic Jameson, The Political Unconscious History of the U.S./Mexico Border Region Nuevo Santander 1749 Mexico becomes Independent Republic 1821 Texas Independent Republic 1836 U.S.-Mexico War Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 Paredes, George Washington Gómez

3 Texas and the Southwest 1836
11/9/2018 Paredes, George Washington Gómez

4 Resistance and Repression
The Construction of the Borderlands Catarino Garza 1890s The Mexican Revolution 1910 The Seditionists 1915 Américo Paredes b. 1915 Paredes, George Washington Gómez

5 War of Maneuver and War of Position -- Antonio Gramsci
War of Maneuver: Direct Action Culture as Symbolic Action Strategy of indirect cultural resistance Music and other Oral Forms Corridos/Ballads Paredes, George Washington Gómez

6 Paredes, George Washington Gómez
Corridos/ Ballads Anonymous folk song narrative Originating in the tradition of the Spanish romance corrido Octosyllabic quatrains in 3/4 meter Typically relates significant events After 1848 one theme, one form: Border Conflict Individual and Organized Resistance A Lone Hero “With His Pistol in His Hand” “Jacinto Treviño” Paredes, George Washington Gómez

7 “Residual Cultural Order”
Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature The Seditionists of 1915 The Plan of San Diego Reprisals Paredes, George Washington Gómez

8 Paredes, George Washington Gómez
Identity, Naming, and the Symbolic Cultural Order, or What’s in a name? Compare Faulkner’s process of the ideological construction of Identity with Paredes’ “And what shall we name him?” GWG, 15 “A great man who will help his people” GWG, 16 Louis Althusser: interpellation Mikhail Bakhtin: speech genres Paredes, George Washington Gómez

9 Paredes, George Washington Gómez
Américo Paredes ( ) With His Pistol in His Hand: A Border Ballad and its Hero (1958) “Problem of Identity in a Changing Culture” Paredes, George Washington Gómez

10 Paredes, George Washington Gómez
Next Steps Continue Reading GWG Pt III: Good Old School Days Paredes, George Washington Gómez

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